Super Jet wet wolf pump cone

hey guys im new to h20 been on pwctoday for years.. i sold my sxi pro and bought a 10 superjet.. Im looking to do a few mods and one being the steering issues that these have.. also as the title said.. do those really work?
hey guys im new to h20 been on pwctoday for years.. i sold my sxi pro and bought a 10 superjet.. Im looking to do a few mods and one being the steering issues that these have.. also as the title said.. do those really work?

It takes some faith because I could not feel nor even measure a difference. Boring the nozzle will make a noticeable increase in thrust. They wont hurt anything if you want to try one for yourself.
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john zigler

Vendor Account
it really has the same results as a "bored nozzle"

the shorter cone alows water exiting from the stator vein section, to collaps sooner, giving more volume in the exit venturi, like a bored nozzle.

we have had BOTH good, and poor results with these. i find it depends on your pump / prop set up, and HP in relation to that.

personally, on a SJ i have never had any luck running both a bored noz & WW cone.
Hey the guy who has those to pita's 550's one green and one red... I just picked up this 10 sj and very happy with the purchase so far!! Ill probably see you this summer when the camper opens!!


Cats, lots of cats!
United States
I have both done to my SJ, ran an EPIC stubby cone first. Didn't really notice much, then had the nozzle bored out and noticed a difference. Stubby cone still on.
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