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  1. dpenta13

    Power Difference from 35cc domes to 33cc

    Ended up just using the 35s never put my 33s in, the compression last i checked was around 185 i believe i can post an exact number this week when i bring the ski home 35cc domes on 93 pump with my other mods i run it WOT for days no problem
  2. dpenta13

    Blaster Intermitten loss of power

    Me and my buddy just picked up a couple of WB1s we are having a problem with his losing power its a 62t/61x pro tec head and exhaust. Dual 38s Cylinder was ported back in the day by DBP (Dallas Baker Performance i believe) at the moment im not sure what the carbs are set at or whats done...
  3. dpenta13

    Blaster Rick's Detailed 1100 Blaster Conversion

    Awsome build, any updates? I just bought my first B1 hoping to do the swap over the winter.
  4. dpenta13

    Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

    Took the ski out for the first ride yesterday. Everything went very smooth. I definently need to do some carb tuning and I have it running a bit rich for break in. I am running 93 Octane with Amsoil Dominator. I will break it in for a couple of tanks then start digging into getting the carbs...
  5. dpenta13

    Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

    Finished up the ski last night. Everything came together really well. Started it up for the first time the other day. Since the last post I finised up all the turf and istalled the footholds. Also got all of my waterlines and fuel lines in. Pump is installed and installed the Worx 201 intake...
  6. dpenta13

    Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

    i dont remeber exactly... i would look up the manual for it online. That has the dry pipe and the water injection is controlled by the RPMs i believe so im not sure were you would tune it. Is there adjustments on the ECWI near the ebox?
  7. dpenta13

    Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

    No poop man how is it i miss that ski
  8. dpenta13

    Super Jet Battery Ground

    I have one but it won't reach to the starter bolt I was going to buy the OCD ones or a set like rad dudes once I get some extra cash
  9. dpenta13

    Super Jet Battery Ground

    ok man thank you i will give it a try
  10. dpenta13

    Super Jet Battery Ground

    Hey guys getting close to the end of my build and need to put the ground wire for my battery in. I forgot to order one for the Sj at the right length but I have one in my garage that is shorter. Can i ground it to any part of the motor or does it have to go to one of the starter posts?
  11. dpenta13

    Wear Ring Question

    I sent my pump out to Thrust to be assembled, I is a Solas Magnum Stator, OEM driveshaft, Aftermarket wearring with plastic liner and Hooker 10/16. I got the pump back yesterday and the prop is hitting the wear ring and i cant spin it. Will this fix itself and shave to wear ring down when i...
  12. dpenta13

    Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

    Also got my B Pipe on yesterday, that was a tight fit but it came together. The Thrust Ti5 Fuel Cell does not fit well with the B Pipe unless its turned a different way. it would definently fit alot better with a Power Factor like its designed for. Just Gives me a reason to upgrade next winter...
  13. dpenta13

    Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

    Been working on the ski every couple of days since my last post. Finished up all the electrical, ebox, bilges, start stop switch etc. Also got my XScream steering system amd bars on with my throttle and trim lever. And carbon Chinpad as well. Got the motor dropped in yesterday hooked up my...
  14. dpenta13

    Charging AG Battery

    Thats what I ended up ordering yesterday, i called Antigravity directly and they said not to use the batt tender. 4 amp was only like $65 Thanks for the response man
  15. dpenta13

    Charging AG Battery

    Thrust sent me an Antigravity 16 Cell battery, I ordered one of the EarthX batteries they have now but I'm not sure if they were out and sent me the AG because I did ask him about the AG too. I'm cool with either one but my question is do I need the Antigravity charger to charge their batteries...
  16. dpenta13

    Custom/Hybrid Footholds-Yes, it's time for another thread! Padding, show off your trays, etc.#bestfootholdsthread

    Got my tray done last weekend, still need to put the adjustable holds in.
  17. dpenta13

    Super Jet Ebox Question

    Thanks guys Gunna pull ebox apart and check
  18. dpenta13

    Super Jet Ebox Question

    The fuse in the ebox is connected to the cable that is supposed to go to battery... Is that what your saying
  19. dpenta13

    Super Jet Ebox Question

    Ok thanks man
  20. dpenta13

    Super Jet Ebox Question

    I am putting the ebox in the SJ i am building, its a 97 RN Does it matter which of the red cables i hook up to starter and which to battery, both connect to starter relay correct? Also i am using a CF ebox mount is it ok if the cables come out of the bottom of the box? (upside down) or is that...
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