Super Jet First Superjet. Reinforcing, Defoaming, Ported 735

image.jpg image.jpg Been working on the ski every couple of days since my last post.

Finished up all the electrical, ebox, bilges, start stop switch etc.

Also got my XScream steering system amd bars on with my throttle and trim lever. And carbon Chinpad as well.

Got the motor dropped in yesterday hooked up my dual water lines coming in from the pump, Starter wire, Throttle linkage, etc.

Got the engine line up and level with the midshaft. Coupler are even all the way around.
Also got my B Pipe on yesterday, that was a tight fit but it came together. The Thrust Ti5 Fuel Cell does not fit well with the B Pipe unless its turned a different way. it would definently fit alot better with a Power Factor like its designed for. Just Gives me a reason to upgrade next winter.

i had to rotate the tank 90 degrees and it fit very smooth with the b pipe, i can pull the gas tank in two minutes now which I like.

I already had my pickups and return drilled in so those are going to have to be toward the side of the ski now. I am going to put a very small lean in the tank toward the pickups to help them not lose fuel.
It's good. More or less the same as the day I left with it with the exception of grips and finger throttle. Thinking about getting an a/m handle pole and installing foot holds next winter but I think I might just leave it the way it is and try to build something next winter. Sj's looking great by the way. You do good work
Do you have much knowledge on the water injection? Didn't play with it much last year, is there like a high and low end setting? we may have touched on this that day but I don't recall
i dont remeber exactly... i would look up the manual for it online.

That has the dry pipe and the water injection is controlled by the RPMs i believe so im not sure were you would tune it.

Is there adjustments on the ECWI near the ebox?
image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Finished up the ski last night. Everything came together really well.
Started it up for the first time the other day.

Since the last post I finised up all the turf and istalled the footholds.
Also got all of my waterlines and fuel lines in.

Pump is installed and installed the Worx 201 intake grate and blowsion kenny lip ride plate.

First ride will be tomorow so i will post a ride report.
Took the ski out for the first ride yesterday. Everything went very smooth. I definently need to do some carb tuning and I have it running a bit rich for break in. I am running 93 Octane with Amsoil Dominator. I will break it in for a couple of tanks then start digging into getting the carbs were they need to be.

Definently need some bottom end tuning to make it hit harder. And the power breaks up between mid and high RPM.
I also plan on getting an ATP EPIC in a month or so and hopefully that gives me the hit I'm looking for, running the stock ignition right now and I think the motor has a lot more potential with a better CDI in it.
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