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  1. simofx-1

    Nose rocker

    hydrostyler whats this hull look like now/finished?
  2. simofx-1

    Nose rocker

    pmd on fb
  3. simofx-1

    Nose rocker

    i took mine up between 2 1/2 and 3 inches up at the nose.. keep chopping at it till it looks good lol
  4. simofx-1

    What's your view look like today?

    how many skis can you fit in there lol ^^
  5. simofx-1

    Roll/Brush on gelcoat. Anyone have experience?

    i brushed my hull white gell coat no primer, has held up well except a few chips that have come off around the tubbies flex points.. im wondering if i should use i primer next time?
  6. simofx-1

    Rockered SJ, looking for pics and info

    ^^ i notice your footholds are really far forward, if you stood further back in the tray it would put less pressure on the nose, what are your thoghts on this
  7. simofx-1

    fx1 b pipe?

    sweet looks like it is a fx1 chamber , i had no idea , thanks for the advice ^^ rather stoked that i picked up the setup for less than 400
  8. simofx-1

    fx1 b pipe?

    i have know idea whether it will fit in a fx1 as i haven't got around to putting mine back together
  9. simofx-1

    How much to sand for additional layers

    the only areas you cant get to from the inside is the tray, i presume this is the area you want to beef up?
  10. simofx-1

    Artificial Wave evolution

  11. simofx-1

    fx1 b pipe?

    26.7 inch is the length... and the mod pipe is 25.5inch .also the diameter of the head pipe/manifold looks to fit a 650
  12. simofx-1

    fx1 b pipe?

    i have a old pipe i bought recently and dont know if its a 650 or a fx1 pipe it is different from my mod pipe, in that its longer and has a factory dent by the pisser on top of chamber i will get pics up soon
  13. simofx-1

    Artificial Wave evolution

    the water looks yuk
  14. simofx-1

    Rockered SJ, looking for pics and info

    i got so sick of working on mine at the end(8months) that i just brushed gel coat on so i could go for a ride, looks abit like a painted fence up close,i did Nose ,Homade tubbies,Reinforced eveywere,Lowered tray and tray sides,Coustem footholds,Rear cut 2inchs
  15. simofx-1

    My rn superjet build

    phucken nice bro! , any boob pics?
  16. simofx-1

    Best ski for my budget?

    dunno let me know.(not being serious)
  17. simofx-1

    Best ski for my budget?

    buy rickter
  18. simofx-1

    Surfriding Advice on good surf motor please

    just carry a gas can on your back to the beach? wouldn't be hard to make that work
  19. simofx-1

    Freestyle For real?!?!~Rosie's Official WDK R.I.P build thread ~

    looks like xmas, except Santa crashed his slay
  20. simofx-1

    Surfriding Advice on good surf motor please

    do experienced riders like bigger motors for surf riding?
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