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  1. simofx-1

    Surfriding Daytona 5-3-15 Freeride

    someones hood seal is not working lol
  2. simofx-1

    Surfriding The surf gets angry!

    search how to fiberglass reinforce the inside off a super jet . common areas to glass are in the nose under pole bracket the two sides and under hood lip
  3. simofx-1

    Making of the SNX Hull

    how do you let your wet epoxy dry(harden) naturally or do you apply a heat source ?? I'm doing a hull at the moment and the delay between drying is unbearable
  4. simofx-1

    Making of the SNX Hull

    i have no idea how those foot holds are going on your ski...its over my head and i cant wait to (see)find out
  5. simofx-1

    Freestyle Lithium Ion batteries and sizes n stuff...

    im in New zealand were do i buy a bettery tender from? the amizone site didnt want to ship it here
  6. simofx-1

    Custom/Hybrid Footholds-Yes, it's time for another thread! Padding, show off your trays, etc.#bestfootholdsthread

    how much pad do you have under your feet when they are in the holds?,,i would guess none?
  7. simofx-1

    Surfriding 2015 Pismo Spring Break ride

    dog takes a poop at 1:37 :)
  8. simofx-1

    Rocker SJ help????!!!!

    i havnt finished yet and i ride 100% surf so weigth is strength and im not worried ,i filled the cuts with thickened epoxy and couple layers of glass both sides of hull, hull is a squrenose (to fill them wouldnt weigh much at all carter-b would probley be ligther?)
  9. simofx-1

    Rocker SJ help????!!!!

    i did the cut and bend idea and it was easy er than i thought ,first pic = to bend bottem deck up you need to clearance top deck 2 - 2 1/2 inch
  10. simofx-1

    FX-1 Another sj guy bought a fx1

    ive done those inclosed footholds before and i hated them my feet would get traped when i fell ((i ride surf)
  11. simofx-1

    padding quistion

    why do people have a pattern in there under padding where the foot holes it so they can fit in the holds or is there some other benifit?
  12. simofx-1

    superjet make over

    i ride surf and am always banging knees and shin on the ski, just saying it would ruin your day to come into contact with it like that. i seen a ride mate drop the back end of his d-cut ride plate on his feet and it sliced through to the tendon, he didn't ride that day. it just looks scary is...
  13. simofx-1

    superjet make over

    i would be a bit worried about that exhust being that long (looks like a pastry shape maker haha)
  14. simofx-1

    2014 SJ

    oohhhhh!!!!! DAMN
  15. simofx-1

    piston wash?

    i have no pic, because im looking througth plug holes, the ski runs mint but i was wondering if im running a tad rich? as the piston is light brown . the pistons ive seen are from 10 plus years use and they are black all over
  16. simofx-1

    piston wash?

    i had my 701 rebuilt about 30hrs ago, and was wondering how long it should take to show a good collar on top of the piston? at the moment its not that dark at all
  17. simofx-1

    how to strip a 144 pump?

    any tips on how to get a hooker prop of without a prop tool? iv tried putting it in vice and hitting leading edge with block of wood and hammer and i used a heat gun ,help
  18. simofx-1

    Waterbox help

    could you make one out of fiber glass?...stock is
  19. simofx-1

    how to strip a 144 pump?

    ok sweet i will give it ago thanks
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