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  1. simofx-1

    how to strip a 144 pump?

    hi all, im trying to strip down my sj pump and have got as far as removing wear ring and reduction nossle not sure whats next? shalft first or prop? and how thanks
  2. simofx-1

    Cutting the front lip off a square

    i would leave 2cm
  3. simofx-1

    Cutting the front lip off a square

    i cut mine to that line you have and it works well no spray
  4. simofx-1

    Cutting the front lip off a square

    how did u lawn dart it?
  5. simofx-1

    buying new shalfts

    i have a 95 square nose ski and have found only the 96-2007 prop shalft are they the same? thanks
  6. simofx-1

    Good times doing flips and going huge with my dad!

    ^ blaster didnt flip . prety hectic waves
  7. simofx-1

    FX-1 wasnt clean but...

    fx1 stock pump, ended very badly,but ski was fine so thats good
  8. simofx-1

    New Pistons

  9. simofx-1

    Rag Tag Freeriders B-Team Killing it!!

    the last photo haha -that rickter gets used! good pixz alround
  10. simofx-1

    What's your view look like today?

    ^good looking tote do you tow it down the road with car?? that sand looks way to soft for my beach cart. it once took me 20mins to push mine 50mrts :) and no kunt helped
  11. simofx-1

    Making of the SNX Hull

  12. simofx-1

    Super Jet D cut or cut flush?

    did you get your pen to work or did you end up throwing it out ^ :p
  13. simofx-1

    Need help 89 650sx wont stay running

    i had this problem when i got my engine back from a rebuild, i found out he had put the reed gasket around the wrong way cutting off the air flow over the pulse fitting(take your pulse line off the carb and suck on it to see if you can draw air,it wont run if no air gets thro), if you...
  14. simofx-1

    Water in engine ?

    ^^ you made a mistake with flushing your ski. never have the water going through your engine without it running. This is how it should be done...start engine, then turn on water(2-3mins), now turn off water, rev engine 2-5 times to blow out the remaining water in exhaust,turn off engine...
  15. simofx-1

    Water in engine ?

  16. simofx-1

    Blaster Start/Stop switch ?

    what exhust are you running if stock there is a place for it to go in the side,if not just put short hose on and kink it with cable ties trace you stop wires back to the electic box looking for a break/or it may not be connected in e box
  17. simofx-1


    yea thats i nice collection allrite iv two fx1s two s/n and a 750kawa but wish i just had just 1 as i spend more time fixing then ridding they were all bought because i thougth they were cheap(a couple grand each) whats wrong with me arrrr haha
  18. simofx-1


    what are you other skis mate?
  19. simofx-1


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