^added mods after rebuild, i cant say i would be disappointed going back to a stock 701 it has all the power i need for surf riding at the moment. the reson i got rebuild was cuase it was ready to blow
^^naa thanks im in new zealand. i had to tear it down any how azz the cases are leaking oil/fuel on my stater causing it to loose power(but the crank seems algood ;-) time will tell.
hi all, thought i would gather some info on gas usage and expected ride time on 1 tank (surf ridding)
I've got a 701 61x that just got rebuilt and im not getting more than one and a halve hours ridding out of a tank. is this normal or am i wasting gas some how?? before the rebuild i was...
if you have a stock hood the carbi is taking water for sure, not the best for a rebuilt motor ,i went througth the same situation with mine .i ended up fixing the hood and changing the hood seal
about to have ago removing my 701 flywheel, and im not shaw if the center bolt is lefty threed(lefty loosey)? itried both ways with a spanner and it wont turn... i want to replace the bendix.
also is it just that centre bolt holding it on cheers
yea so just came back from a ride and it was running sweet for 5-10 mins then it started to develop little miniature stalls(lack of power) so i brought it to beach ,yea i dont think ill be running it again .
thanks guys im probley lucky it didnt blow i guess
sooo, my super jet had abit of salt sitting in the motor and when i went to start it a week later it did not turn over bugger. im not keen on a rebuild as i have no money at moment so i try poring a couple liters of wd40 down the carb. 2 days and much massaging later and i can hand spin...
yes u will need r/n steering cable. depending on the model square you have you may be looking at new mid berring house&mid shalft&main shalft? you will better know when you try to fit your mid house or when some1 with more experience answers cheers
im still learning them... but what i found was if try your first 1 it pumps you up so then you go on to try several more in quick succession and you may or may not land them but it dosnt mater because now you no you can work towards perfecting the timing. timing and speed is what will make it...
i would take out the battery,gas tank & water box. water box holds water and when upside down may track back and sit in your motoer for afew weeks. how much would that suck
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