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  1. Z

    Sxr lightweight hood

    Good to know. I've got multiple cracks and it looks like poop so I'll try it. Gut all that extra glass out from the inside. Thanks
  2. Z

    Sxr lightweight hood

    Looking for a used sxr hood. Lmk what you have, thanks.
  3. Z

    Sxr complete engine

    Looking to purchase a complete drop in ready engine to run off my stock ebox. Let me know what you have. Thanks
  4. Z

    Making a flash player.

  5. Z

    2017 SXR 1500

    Where in Jersey? I'd like to see your 1500
  6. Z

    2003 Kawasaki sxr Dasa 920

    Would you ship?
  7. Z

    2003 Kawasaki sxr Dasa 920

    Where in Mi you located?
  8. Z

    anyone from nj?

    There's 5 of us every wknd from memrl day to labr day riding in surf city. Usually can find us in the cove next to the ramp on 2nd st. Next season we'll have a beach dolly to surf ride. We also take the ride down to beach haven most wknds. Sxr's the worst on gas so i hav to stay close to shore.
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