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  1. nickt916

    Went to Pismo this Sat

    place was packed, there was only stand up, i felt lonely! :ugh:
  2. nickt916

    need some help with my jet ski problem...

    one piston is good the other piston crown is scraped up , 160 before on both, 30/160 after, and 91 octane
  3. nickt916

    need some help with my jet ski problem...

    the cooling was working, both pissers were pissing really well, i already pulled the cylinder a couple hours ago, its pretty scraped up , and the rings are seized inside the groves on one pistons. My camera broke so i cant take any pics, but i have no messed with the carbs after the set up. The...
  4. nickt916

    need some help with my jet ski problem...

    correction, i believe wiseco might make 82.5 for the 701,... but i know pro x makes 82.5 for a 701 for sure... but is 82.5 bore to much? 83mm is about the max before resleeving?
  5. nickt916

    need some help with my jet ski problem...

    not to dark, not to light, brownish, with a perfect idle and super fast WOT duh!! :rolleyes: I need new pistons and maybe a bore, can possibly get away with a hone, so i have 3 options, any suggestions, right now 82mm bore same size 82mm pistons, hone cylinder 82.5 proX since...
  6. nickt916

    need some help with my jet ski problem...

    carbs were already tunned for a riva free ride pipe, idling were fine, at WOT they were fine, sparks were brownish, perfect tune. Suing Wiseco $250 for a new set of pistons $100 for a new bore $100,000 for pshycological damages case will be open in a week, closed in 2 weeks... good...
  7. nickt916

    need some help with my jet ski problem...

    so this brings me back to.... "i followed the wiseco manual.... wich says.... 1. Use the same gas/oil mixture during break-in as you normally use. 2. Allow 15-20 minutes for break-in of new pistons and/or rings." i think wiseco needs to hook me up with a free engine without going to court
  8. nickt916

    need some help with my jet ski problem...

    i followed the wiseco manual.... wich says.... 1. Use the same gas/oil mixture during break-in as you normally use. 2. Allow 15-20 minutes for break-in of new pistons and/or rings.
  9. nickt916

    need some help with my jet ski problem...

    ahh yaya!! well whats the deal with the wiseco manual saying "break in period is 20 minutes" !!! ??? ill get up super early tomorrow and yank the head off and see where i stand. Ill end up doing a hone on both cylinders and maybe new rings, unless its pretty bad....
  10. nickt916

    need some help with my jet ski problem...

    fudge that!!! lol, a blown ADA O-ring possible? wiseco says 20 mins break in, it broke in it for 20 minutes, atleast i think i did, but if not the oring what possibly happened, blew my rings into pieces? and scraped up my cylinder wall?
  11. nickt916

    need some help with my jet ski problem...

    30psi at one cylinder...... ok can someone calm me down on this one, and why this would happen? what are my options? could i have blown an oring? :frown:
  12. nickt916

    need some help with my jet ski problem...

    no no, both are getting sparks.... but only running on one cylinder... ill go check compression right now
  13. nickt916

    need some help with my jet ski problem...

    I have finished my white jet last night, everything ready to go, fired up for a few minutes at home with the hose connected and it worked just fine. Today i took it out to the lake and for about 15-20 minutes took it easy to let the motor break in and to make sure everything works perfectly. Did...
  14. nickt916

    160psi with new top and 35cc domes

    ill run it at the lake for the first time today, break in period is about 20-30 minutes after that ill ride it normal by the shore to make sure it doesnt break down on me in the middle of the lake or anything, when i get home ill check the compression again.
  15. nickt916

    is this how you wire bilge pumps?

    what exactly caused the bilges to burn up if a fuse is not present? wires being completely under water and shortening the wires?
  16. nickt916

    shes almost done for some surf time!!

    SHES DONE!!!!! :cheer: :woot::splatt::arms: shes going in the water tomorrow for a float test
  17. nickt916

    is this how you wire bilge pumps?

    i like how your ground goes to a positive :cheer: lol jk... yea i just got mine done an hour ago, ill put in fuses later if anything, and i wired 2 ONs together to the browns and both bilges work in either direction, turned the hose on and threw it in the hull, turned on the bilges and it was...
  18. nickt916

    to much water getting in the hull..

    i just went and got some gorilla tape at home depot, closed off my nose holes, and 2 holes on the hood, the ones closest to the center. I was also thinking about making the back holes bigger, but instead i think i will make another hole right above it... IF I CAN FIND MY DREMEL, THAT I THINK...
  19. nickt916

    is this how you wire bilge pumps?

    hang them as mirror dice!!!
  20. nickt916

    is this how you wire bilge pumps?

    ok sounds like your is wired the same, but instead of going to ground it goes all the way to the battery? and it has a fuse.
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