is this how you wire bilge pumps?

I didnt really get any instructions with the rotary switch, it has 3 wires, and i have 2 pumps.... i believe the switch has black gray and white wire, i dont remember.... but how are you suppose to know wich to wich? maybe i missed the instructions, ill go double check in the box it came with but if i cant find it here is how i would wire it?



Extraordinary Alien
Bradenton, FL
It doesn't matter about the colors for the switch. Hook the brown wire through the switch to the positive of the battery, and the black wire to the negative. You'll need to throw a fuse in there too - mine's in the positive line, but I think there are good reasons to put it in the negative, though I can't remember what they are now. Anybody?
That is how I do mine. I always secure the positive first so I don't zap stuff.

I have never used a fuse though.
It doesn't matter about the colors for the switch. Hook the brown wire through the switch to the positive of the battery, and the black wire to the negative. You'll need to throw a fuse in there too - mine's in the positive line, but I think there are good reasons to put it in the negative, though I can't remember what they are now. Anybody?

ok sounds like your is wired the same, but instead of going to ground it goes all the way to the battery? and it has a fuse.


Creative RE Purchasing
ok sounds like your is wired the same, but instead of going to ground it goes all the way to the battery? and it has a fuse.

You can ground it either on the engine or equivalent area or go all the way back to the battery.

I'm not running a fuse either anymore... They are just a pain in the butt. Just one more weak link to fail in the bilge wiring system. I'm using $10 bilge pumps, if anything happens to them, I'll replace it.

Almost bought Walmart out when I was there last time... I now have two hanging on the wall at home just as back ups.
You can ground it either on the engine or equivalent area or go all the way back to the battery.

I'm not running a fuse either anymore... They are just a pain in the butt. Just one more weak link to fail in the bilge wiring system. I'm using $10 bilge pumps, if anything happens to them, I'll replace it.

Almost bought Walmart out when I was there last time... I now have two hanging on the wall at home just as back ups.

hang them as mirror dice!!!


Web GuY
Folsom Lake - CA
Fuses do more than save bilges they prevent fires... if your bilges shorts or something you'd rather burn the fuse than keep dumping electricity into the shorted bilge smoldering then burning up and taking ur ski...


The Good Old Days
Here's how I did mine until yet another expensive switch took a crap.

This way allows you to run either just one pump for the light cruises or both for when you go nuts. All you need is a diode from radio shack.
I ride salt water so to prevent electric shocks I prefer to switch the ground wire.


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Just ride
I just connect the two on wires (white a blue i think) together with the two brown wires together so that whichever way you turn the switch it turns the bilges on.


South Jersey
Fuses do more than save bilges they prevent fires... if your bilges shorts or something you'd rather burn the fuse than keep dumping electricity into the shorted bilge smoldering then burning up and taking ur ski...

I was just going to say the same thing. You'd be stupid not to run one.



Web GuY
Folsom Lake - CA
I plan on mounting mine near the factory fuel selector using a basic toggle switch (on/off) w/water proof boot.

Silicone the crap out of it inside/out and it should be fine.

That's what we do on our jeeps and they see a ********load of dirt, snow, water and vibrations and seem to hold up good.
Here's how I did mine until yet another expensive switch took a crap.

This way allows you to run either just one pump for the light cruises or both for when you go nuts. All you need is a diode from radio shack.
I ride salt water so to prevent electric shocks I prefer to switch the ground wire.

i like how your ground goes to a positive :cheer: lol jk... yea i just got mine done an hour ago, ill put in fuses later if anything, and i wired 2 ONs together to the browns and both bilges work in either direction, turned the hose on and threw it in the hull, turned on the bilges and it was dumping out water like a dam!!!


Beach Bum
Florida - U.S.A.
The switched ground method is a good idea but it takes more wiring to make it work.

It's real easy to ground the pumps at the back of the engine.

Individual fuses for the bilged pumps are a must because I had a friend to burn up his complete harness along with a few other things at Daytona this year. :firedevil:
what exactly caused the bilges to burn up if a fuse is not present? wires being completely under water and shortening the wires?


However you wire it the fuse(s) always goes in the + wire as close to the battery as you can get it. Probably the main reason for needing a fuse is the risk of a wire getting pinched / wearing and shorting out.


South Jersey
It could also be something like a rock getting stuck in the impeller. If the motor doesn't turn, something has to give, and that's usually the fuse (if you have one) or the wires (if you don't).

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