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  1. Brano

    Super Jet Going spearfishing...possible?

    Harbor, exactly---towing something behind during slow ride (sitting on knees) sounds like a good idea. Somebody was towing behind standup something ? how it went ? For spearfishing I got everything needed - speargun, gloves, fins, socks, gloves, line, general I would be happy to catch...
  2. Brano

    Super Jet Going spearfishing...possible?

    I would go only if sea is totally flat. I am spearfishing near the cost, so would anchor my jetski on buoy or rope hanging from island. Not sure what you exactly mean couch for fishing...
  3. Brano

    Super Jet Going spearfishing...possible?

    Hi guys, I am spearfisher, and I would like to know, if it is possible to modify/create something on my Superjet, so I can take my speargun/fins/mask...with me. In general, I just need to go out on flat sea 1 km away. Any ideas welcome
  4. Brano

    Super Jet Mounting GPS

    btw I just received manual for that GPS, I am in process to make it alive and work. Idea is to control GPS using SMS, so I send some SMS commands to it and it will activate and then I can track it Where do you recommend to...
  5. Brano

    Super Jet Mounting GPS

    KMN make sure your device is waterproof. Guys, how I mount it in jetski, I just connect it to battery, no problem with impedance?
  6. Brano

    Super Jet Mounting GPS

    well, I am still in process to make it work, but I bought SIM card which is possible to insert inside this device, and from I understand, it can work in two modes - in sms mode, where it will send you coordinates, or online tracking, where there is needed some internet connection (2g/3g...)...
  7. Brano

    Super Jet Mounting GPS

    Hi guys, recently I bought SuperJet 2015, I had one before, a lot of fun, I dont have to tell you. I am riding in the ocean and parking my jetski not in my house, so I worry about it. I bought nice (it seems) GPS tracker...
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