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  1. R

    Kawi-Land Kawi Parts at JetManiac

    Looking for parts sxi pro
  2. R

    17&20 RN SJ Rideplate and Ada heads

    I never would have guessed that. Thank you for your help it is much appreciated. I should be able to find one.
  3. R

    17&20 RN SJ Rideplate and Ada heads

    Thank you for the help I bought the adapters and well, paid for 2 and received one. I will say they shipped amazingly fast though! Too bad they were sooo fast they forgot one! I got one on now with a little milling on the stock mount to get the holes to line up. My next question is how are...
  4. R

    17&20 RN SJ Rideplate and Ada heads

    Thanks Quinc for the response. I was just looking at the stock exhaust and it’s supported off the top of the factory head. If I remove the mount and install Ada head the Stock Yamaha expansion chamber will just be floating with no support. I’m curious if anyone has a solution to this?
  5. R

    17&20 RN SJ Rideplate and Ada heads

    I have 2 RN SJ,s a 17 & 20. Just installed worx 228, 0 and 4 degree bars and Odi grips. Also did hydro turf. I’ve seen a couple options for ride plates, jet dynamics and worx, we ride flat water free ride style jumping boat wakes etc. We want to be able to break the tail loose as well. But I...
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