so when i toke my ski out for the first time this year it ran like a bag, (would bog during acceleration) came home changed my fuel filter and went back out, still no better, changed plugs and caps, check compresion (compression is 150 in both cylinders) did a leak down test (maintains 15 psi)...
hey guys
So i cleaned out my carb and still had the same, bog and engine running rough, did a little research online and found that maybe my reed valve coudl be casue this, so I pulled them out and found that one set of the valve, the reed lefs were not sitting flat on the cage, spec says no...
thanks a lot guys i taken appart my carb and found that little screen filter you were talking about, found that it was full of little fibers so cleaned and put a new carb kit in it gonna go try it tomorrow so i am hoping, thanks again for the help.
last year when i stored my ski, it ran perfect this year i toke it out for the first ride and it ran irregularly, (had essitations, bogged when tryign to accelerate) but once it got goign it ran fine and sometime stalls, so i changed my fuel filter, put new plugs and caps, check compression (135...
ya i drove my turck through it also and also had my ski in the back and realized that it was pretty deep so i unloaded it right there and toke a run, I hit bottom in one spot lol.
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