FX-1 need help

last year when i stored my ski, it ran perfect this year i toke it out for the first ride and it ran irregularly, (had essitations, bogged when tryign to accelerate) but once it got goign it ran fine and sometime stalls, so i changed my fuel filter, put new plugs and caps, check compression (135 psi) adjusted low and high speed screws, not sure were to head next, i am thinking of taking apart the carb, can some one help me please.


How did I get here?
Fort Worth
Did you use sta-bil?

Have you tried fresh gas?

May be worth taking apart the carb real quick and making sure everything clean.
Inside the carb where the fuel inlet is there is another screen that may be plugged up. You will have to remove the carb and just take the side cover off, you will see it. check that. Might as well get a rebuild kit while you have it off.
thanks a lot guys i taken appart my carb and found that little screen filter you were talking about, found that it was full of little fibers so cleaned and put a new carb kit in it gonna go try it tomorrow so i am hoping, thanks again for the help.
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