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  1. BCM


  2. BCM

    Other What wetsuit to go with?

    Hotline are my favorite wetsuit they are made in Santa Cruz and you can custome order yours to you lengths and size and color, and my last suit has lasted me over 6 years with surfing and sking, I have had excel, oniel, bodyglove and they only lasted one year with...
  3. BCM

    Freestyle Big Motor Question?

    around $2400 for my motor set up. and I should be able to do it with that building the motor my self, power to the water, I'm using a stock pump with I think it's a 9/16 hooker prop
  4. BCM

    Freestyle Big Motor Question?

    Thank you, We can custom machine domes at the shop so thats not a big deal, And that sounds like a good set up to me.
  5. BCM

    Freestyle Big Motor Question?

    I got a good budy who ownes a jetski shop and helps me build all my motor and they have been better and better everytime, I just trying to find a good idea to bring to him.
  6. BCM

    Freestyle Big Motor Question?

    I'm getting ready to build a budget flatwater motor. I was going to try and find a 5 or 8 mill stroker crank and a 760 cylinder and bore it out to 85 mill pistons, but everyone is telling me that the port hights on the 760 cylinder will be to high. So would it be better to us a 61x cylinder and...
  7. BCM

    2010 World Finals freestyle thread!

    I wish I had the money to broke
  8. BCM

    Freestyle Videos Luke Stocks ' Ant Burgess

    The 360 Helicopter is my favorite flatwater move and you look like you got it down, nice videos
  9. BCM

    How about a new X-H2o shirt design, who would buy a t-shirt this time around?

    Is there a new shirt available yet?
  10. BCM

    Nice riding! Youtube!

    That is some nice ridding, very fun to watch, man I need more ride time and what does a r&d dry pipe look like I have never heard of it.
  11. BCM

    Mean Dog

    I wish that was in my garage, nice ski
  12. BCM

    Flat water Fweestyle with some Xscream power

    Nive video, and I saw the one handed roll at the end
  13. BCM

    Skat Trak impeller 9/17

    I have a 9\17 hooker for my superjet it hooks up good for freestyle
  14. BCM

    My first vid. Sucky flatwater...... Lol

    What lake is that in Nevada.
  15. BCM

    What kinda oil do you use?

    I us yamalube 50:1 or Red line 50:1 the Red Line smells so good but Yamalube is alote cheeper
  16. BCM

    How about a new X-H2o shirt design, who would buy a t-shirt this time around?

    My and the wife will take one each
  17. BCM

    Hood strap kits, Hood Hooks, Hood latches, Hood parts, Hood seals, Limiting rope kits

    Just got mine in the mail looks great anf fast shipping, thanks. Will put up pics after installed
  18. BCM

    Hood strap kits, Hood Hooks, Hood latches, Hood parts, Hood seals, Limiting rope kits

    Thanks, can't wait to install and be albe to ride again
  19. BCM

    The official WAKEHEADS DVD trailer

    Nice cant wait for the full video
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