My first vid. Sucky flatwater...... Lol


My home away from home.
It's my first effort at a vid, but Hopefully you will dig it as much as we dug the ride. The day was kind of freaky. One boat sank, fire trucks, paramedics and incredible waves for such a small lake that is usually flat. My son is on my RN and I'm on the B1 filming.

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My home away from home.
Thanks for the props guys, I appreciate it for sure.

The lake is Topaz Lake on the NV/CA boarder a little south of Tahoe. Elevation is 5,000' and thunder storms are kind of rare, but I can't wait for another one!! That was sooooo much fun.

We had a feeling we shouldn't be out there, but just kept a sharp eye on each other and the boat traffic (quite a few boats almost went down. Watching them battle the waves and take on ridiculous amounts of water was freaky. 1 boat went down for sure) and all was good.

Wanted to stay out longer, but cracked the hull on the B1. I think it must have been semi-pre-existing though. Bilges held up and worked hard. We're both kind of newbish, but had to share the experience with you guys.


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Jay, that looks like fun riding, good to see you rippin'
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