i bought a 96 seadoo hx, the driveshaft had been replaced and now when it runs the floating ring works its way out and down the shaft and then all hell breaks loose. i can only get the floating ring about 3/4 the way in should i beat the hell out of it or am i missing something?
i have a 96 doo hx i bought cheap cuz of driveline problems. ths driveshaft had been replaced and now when it runs the floating ring works its way out of the carrier bearing and then all hell breaks loose i have tried putting it all the way in but it only goes bout 3/4 way in and it spins when...
ok both scenarios how much would you guess it would costs:bearing under the hatch and alignment? i dont know much about Seadoo and the prev. owner said he wasnt mechanicaly inclined but he replaced the shaft anyway and told me it needs to be aligned. when you start it it seems that the ski is...
i recentley bought a 96 seadoo HX the drive shaft had been replaced by the previous owner but now it shakes horribly i can see the shaft wobbile how can i align it?
i found a rear stabilizer for 30$ what will it do for me and im not afraid of getting wet im just tired of spending more time in the H2O than riding..........and im a little out of shape!
it seems that the seadoo should have more balance cuz its longer wider and heavier but i am just getting into this and i dont know what i am doing but i do know that the X2 just about killed me and a nearby pontoon
hi i recently purchased a 1989 Kaw X2 without the pontoons and i could not pull my self up on it nor ride it period so i sold it and bought a 1996 seadoo HX will this be easier or just as hard for me to ride?? i am 6'5" 280lbs
i have a 91 650 sx the engine pegged with out me gasing it and the stop switch wouldnt kill it nor the choke i ended up haveing to kill it with my hand over the carb. why did it do the
alright thanks i ll try that a stock seat. this might be a myth but i also heard of a supercharger for the Kaw 650 by a company called like Jhonny O's supercharger is that real or false
i also have a 91 650 sx would i bought the skis as a pair and i figured i could learn on the x2 and then step up to the stand up but would it be easier to learn on the sx?? the x2 has a lot of stuff done to it and the sx is pretty much a stocker
well i am having a problem pulling my self up over the seat it has some sort of hump in the rear of it. its a nice looking seat though like a purple marble color
hi i am a new memeber i just bought a 89 x2 650 it has K&N filter mariner head performance reeds 44mm carb west coast exhaust and water box wiesco pistons and the whole jet propultion is a bigger system by a company called like PJS or JPS something like that i am not sure the guy i bought it off...
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