I will pick up a pair from you once I get back in town. Do you have any of teh sit down tied downs that have the three hooks? The middle one hooks to the sit down tow spot and the other two to the trailer. i need one of those as well. What'sso special about the UMI tie down?
I emailed him asking about a handful of things they had on ebay. No response thus far. Do you have their email address? I used the one off of the website.
John what color are they and to clarify they have the skee keeper on the end? Also what type of tie down is it as far as buckle, cam, or ratchet? I ordered a set similar to skee keepers but they use a washer and cotter pin. I am worried they may only be a buckle type :( I may have to...
Thanks guys. I looked at my current bow stops and they were Stoltz. I was just going to get a new pair since these are old.
As far as the skee keepers go... I can make a set but I preferred to just buy a set.
I Dr. I will keep you in mind.
Ok guys, first off I am in need of someoen who has the Skee Keeper ratched or cam buckle tie downs in stock. I ordered soem stuff from Blowsion and the guy said they dont have any that Hydro Turf made them. I call Hydro Turf and they say they dont carry them anymore and the guy who made them...
I know it is the wrong section but for anyone interested I have listed a set on eBay. I know the shipping is high but that is out of my control due to the high gas prices. Anyone who wins them is more than welcome ot come and pick them up. Or if you live close enough I may be able to deliver...
I used ot have a video cad that had capture as well. You would just plug in the R/W/Y canbles to the VCR and card. If you do go the tuner route, find one that has TV and FM radio tuners. Then if you have media center you can watch tv/listen to radio with it. I have a USB tuner now for my...
Those are the threads I was talking about. I sold a busted pump to him once. Then he complained about the slow shipping when the shipping cost more than the pump. I thought to myself, oh here comes my first negative... But I never got one from him. I bet he flipped the pump which I...
His username used to be the Snake. He has soem rare hard ot find parts sometimes. But I would NEVER but a thing from him! He tries to charge you for PayPal fees even though that is a blanetly infraction fo the eBay rules. I hate getting the payPal fees too but if you want to sell on their...
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