Most EXPENSIVE bilge pump bracket in the WORLD!


Parts Whore
Fairmont, WV
His username used to be the Snake. He has soem rare hard ot find parts sometimes. But I would NEVER but a thing from him! He tries to charge you for PayPal fees even though that is a blanetly infraction fo the eBay rules. I hate getting the payPal fees too but if you want to sell on their service, you have to play by their rules...


high on resin
san jose ca
hes not even on the same planet as diggler. the only thing diggler ever really did wrong was end auctions early on people and low ball. theres quite a few reputable forum members on here that have had good dealings with diggler. dont believe that lame ass pwct hype that all those lame ass pwct members start. those guys just go through the for sale threads looking for chit to start with no intention of even buying chit
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