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  1. F

    Other Big change in Altitude need help with tuning set up..

    Hey guys I made a post for my superjet but could not find my other skies in the list so here I go... Ok so I have moved back to Florida from Wyoming (where I picked up my ski) Anyways I have some jetting/tuning questions for you guys! I have a 93 yamaha WR3 650 that is bone stock and a 1996...
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    Super Jet Made the Move over... now need help!

    Hey guys, Ok so I have moved back to Florida from Wyoming (where I picked up my ski) Anyways I have some jetting/tuning questions for you guys! I have a 92 SN SJ 650 that has a full protect set up on it... head, exhaust, ride plate and grate with a Skat impeller.. the intake and carb are stock...
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    Super Jet Modified 92 SN Superjet... Need help and Ideas please.

    Yeah I cant use the power I have most of the time this ski pulls my fat a$$ around like nothing.. It must be bored out or something... all I hear is that the early 650 are pigs! I also have a kawi 750ZXI that my wife rides and it is not even fair to compare the to in any area of power or speed...
  4. F

    Super Jet Modified 92 SN Superjet... Need help and Ideas please.

    I know that I need a Bilge pump for sure the stock system is no good when the ski is not moving... How are Protech parts quality wise? Is my exhaust pipe better than say a Factory B pipe?
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    Super Jet Modified 92 SN Superjet... Need help and Ideas please.

    I also wanted to ask what I need to do when I go to FL as far as jetting and tuning go I am in Wyoming at 5200' and it runs perfect... Also I have been running a synthetic pre mix at 50:1 is that ok or not enough oil?
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    Super Jet Modified 92 SN Superjet... Need help and Ideas please.

    Hey guys! I picked up a nice Superjet last year rode it through the summer and had no problems but want to know what I have since the guy I bought it from did not ask any questions when he bought it modded out.. I paid 1300 for it as is.. and want tosee what else I can do to her! I will post up...
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    Newbie JS440 Build up.. Started but need expert advice as to what direction!

    OK So this weekend I swapped out a bunch of stuff on my Ski.. Ran across a few things that were out of the norm.. First in one of my ski's I found this in the exhaust?? I took it out but should i use it or will it hurt performance? What is it for air or water?? OK and these motor are both 440...
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    Newbie JS440 Build up.. Started but need expert advice as to what direction!

    The spot is on the side of the pump that faces the bulkhead and its right in the middle of the blade/prop No, I just got my prop tool Monday and Have been busy. I have decided to take the shaft out of the other 440 that is in good shape and put it in my main ski. then my second ski I will...
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    Newbie JS440 Build up.. Started but need expert advice as to what direction!

    if there is a very small nick/dent in the pump housing wall (side facing the motor) will it hurt the performance at all?
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    Newbie JS440 Build up.. Started but need expert advice as to what direction!

    Good thing your here or I would think i was crazy talking to I was wondering if it would be like 5 mph or 15 mph...??? might be well worth the swap if its only 5mph
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    Newbie JS440 Build up.. Started but need expert advice as to what direction!

    How much top end speed will I lose if I run the 550 pump on the 440 motor?
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    Newbie JS440 Build up.. Started but need expert advice as to what direction!

    Thanks for the info! I have a good shaft in the other ski I have and was going to swap them out first but it's good to know that that is a option! Do you know how to get the DS coupler off of the drive shaft? maybe I can just pull the housings off instead of everything...
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    Newbie JS440 Build up.. Started but need expert advice as to what direction!

    I have a full 550 drive train from the motor back to the nozzle and it has a SS prop on it with a unknown pitch.. What would you say I use and does the input shaft splines match 440's?
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    Newbie JS440 Build up.. Started but need expert advice as to what direction!

    How do you take off the drive shaft coupler? Also does anyone have shop manual in PDF form or know where to get one? Looks like once I get that I can pull the front of the houseings bolts out and then have access to the bearing??
  15. F

    Newbie JS440 Build up.. Started but need expert advice as to what direction!

    I have a 1983 JS440 and a 1988 JS440 I want to make 1 good ski and one with left So far I have the 88 motor in the 83 hull (better shape) since it was pulling 120psi in both cylinders. Mods are PJS exhaust, Mariner water box, westcoast ride plate, PJS intake grate. this is where I...
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    Newbie JS440 Build up.. Started but need expert advice as to what direction!

    please delete this dont know why it posted 2 time sorry.
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