Super Jet Modified 92 SN Superjet... Need help and Ideas please.

Hey guys! I picked up a nice Superjet last year rode it through the summer and had no problems but want to know what I have since the guy I bought it from did not ask any questions when he bought it modded out.. I paid 1300 for it as is.. and want tosee what else I can do to her! I will post up a bunch of pics to let you see what I have.

I know that it has Pro Tech, Head, exhaust, ride plate, top loader intake grate, and air filter... All pro tech not sure if this is a good or bad as far as performance goes..

I do know that I am 220 pounds and this thing will rip out of the water and leap about a foot out of the water with a stab of the throttle and I can never hold the throttle down all the way for long! I have a Kawasaki 440 with a 550 pump and low pitch skat stainless impeller and it is has nothing to prove to this thing in fact it could barley get me on plane until I swapped pumps... I love this SN and it is a total sleeper at the lake and will out run anything I have raced up to about 40 or so..

My question to you guys is how are the mods that are done and do you see anything else that might be done... The impeller is not stainless and I am not sure if it is stock or not though.. also I am going to be moving to FL so wanted to try some surf riding so I know I need a different impeller and to reinforce the hull anything else and do you have a good impeller that you think would work with my set up? Also could you guys check the side of your tank and tell me if it has a small notch out of the side where the exhaust runs.. worries me that it has been rubbing and dont want it to rub a hole through the tank.. Thanks in advance guys and let me know what you think!!:Banane09:













Freedom aint free no more
Nice ski!

Your prop looks to be a Skat-trak and as for the tank. Glue a piece of turf on the outside and you will be good to go. I would say you got a great ski for $1300:Banane09:
I also wanted to ask what I need to do when I go to FL as far as jetting and tuning go I am in Wyoming at 5200' and it runs perfect... Also I have been running a synthetic pre mix at 50:1 is that ok or not enough oil?


stupid desert
bilge pumps u need 2 double brackets don't fit on square nose super jets so u have to put in 2 singles
does your hood dave six holes in the front of it? (they are slightly ubscured when the hood is on)
they need to be sealed glass-tape-you name just seal em
I know that I need a Bilge pump for sure the stock system is no good when the ski is not moving... How are Protech parts quality wise? Is my exhaust pipe better than say a Factory B pipe?


Rockin' the SQUARE!!!!
Site Supporter
Granbury, TX
Protec is pretty decent stuff. They aren't super high end, but I have ridden a few protec powered boats that ripped. Consensus would say that the b-pipe is a better exhaust, but some swear by protec. I ran a protec pipe for the last three years and just now upgraded to a b-pipe. Protec is good stuff.


Freedom aint free no more
Protec is pretty decent stuff. They aren't super high end, but I have ridden a few protec powered boats that ripped. Consensus would say that the b-pipe is a better exhaust, but some swear by protec. I ran a protec pipe for the last three years and just now upgraded to a b-pipe. Protec is good stuff.

X2 I have almost everything Pro-tec in my blaster and she rips real nice like!
Yeah I cant use the power I have most of the time this ski pulls my fat a$$ around like nothing.. It must be bored out or something... all I hear is that the early 650 are pigs! I also have a kawi 750ZXI that my wife rides and it is not even fair to compare the to in any area of power or speed! How do I tell if I have stock ignition?


There's Always A Light At The End Of The Tunnel !!
Lost Wages NV
get a wetwolf pump cone, a 61x reduction nozzle, and plug up that pisser hole on your jet pump housing.
it will help on the bottom end a lot.

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