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  1. mxwebsites

    Freestyle World finals...oct3-10 2010

    Just booked a ticket to fly in Friday, coming from Chicago. I was at the WF back in 2002 or 2003 I believe, can't wait as I'm a Motocross guy and getting more into Stand ups these days!
  2. mxwebsites

    SXR Possible battery issue?

    Just dropped a new Harley-Davidson Battery in after mine took a dump, make sure you put grease or something over the connections to help prevent corrosion.
  3. mxwebsites

    SX-R 800 Bilge Pump Help

    I just ordered this not sure if the 750 will allow for enough clearance tho. anyone have exact measurements so once installed I can see if it will clear the shaft?
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