08+ SJ jetting for F/As and choke removed

Hate to ask a question that might have been answered 10 + times but I just can’t find it on here.
What jetting do you guys run when just installing a aftermarket F/As and removing the choke, no other mods added.
to compensate the more air, I bump up my pilot jets to 75 and leave the pop off and hi speed jets stock. Runs pretty crisp low end, top seems about the same. just want to see what others are running.
Thanks in advance.
Nobody can know what your optimal full throttle setting will be. Get a tachometer and find some smooth water.
I got a cheap one, spinning steady around 6400 RPM pretty much same as stock I believe. Mainly would like to know if guys lower their pop offs or increase their pilot jets, I went with the jets. trying to set it up for ski lite class if I ever decides to race the SJ.
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