I am tossing around the idea of doing a 08 style superjet bottom on my x-jet. I am not a big fan of the REV bottom with a 62t platform b/c I think it is too squirrly. Riding it in the surf just sealed the fate of that bottom for me. It could not carve and I was always fighting the boat. It is ok in flat, but all around it is just to difficult to handle and have fun with.
My options are:
1) add a little weight to it and swap the REV bottom for a sqarenose bottom deck. I was thinking of adding some mild sponsons up front and just paint it black.
2)Have WCF buld me a 08 style bottom deck. It should be about 20lbs lighter than a OEM conversion bottom deck and have the added benifit of the new bottom deck design. However, I have not been on the 08 bottom.
From those that have ridden both, what do you think? Both will be shortened 2in in the rear. I am sure it would be nice in the surf but I hear mixed reviews in the flat. I am pretty much just a flat water rider.
Any comments would be appreciated. This decision is bugging the crap out of me.
WHAT!!!?!?!!! dude, again....what the hell are you talking about??
if you dont think the REV can carve (with or without a 62T) then you dont know how to ride it..that boat will carve and turn so hard it will highside you before yoiu know what hit ya..
very much like riding an SXR, but without the "couchlike stability"..
it probably feels like you are fighting it because you are trying to make it handle like a SJ
FWIW it took me over 6 months of surf riding EVERY weekend to really figure that boat out...I almost gave up on it a few times as well, but its all about learning where to put the hull...
the REV carvs like a knife when ridden on the "tubby area" of the hull....it will steer from the nose (rather than beeing steered by the thrust) and has a knifelike edge that will grab harder the faster you ride it
As far as the REV bottom goes:
The harder and faster you ride it, the better it handles. Period.
saying that its "too squirrly for the surf" after what...1 tank, 2 tanks?
come on, thats total BS and is a short sided statement at the very least
second...what is this "added benefit of the 08 bottom" that you are talking about. How do you know its better having not been on one yet?
not to mention all the BS you have to do to an 08 to make it ridable
Why build a race hull bottom for a flat water ski?? The 08 is a great hull and design, but it is build to carve the water, real similar to the SXR. I had a hard time just getting the one I road to jump out of the water.