09 daytona flatwater freestyle clinic?


Limerick, PA
Where are you going to be?

Dec 30 - Jan 3 : Ft. Luaderdale, FL (Tunning new motor and Riding somewhere???)
Jan 4-8 : Key Largo, FL (kayaking with a group)
Jan 9- 13: Ft. Luaderdale, FL (jet skiing trying not to get too bored)
Jan 14-18 : Daytona!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You any where around me?

They day I leave key largo I might want to go down to Key West and ride some....


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
I'm gonna try my best to be there. It still depends on my sister babysitting. I'm flipping or I'm getting injured! Or maybe both?


Site Supporter
I can't wait for the surf clinic! I'm really looking forward to stepping my surf riding. I feel that if I can get better at surf riding, better & more varied tricks will follow. Almost like getting back to fundamentals in a traditional sport. I hope I can pull a big re-entry down there :sneaky:


Other Administrator
Staff member
South Florida
Oh yeah! I'm gonna learn how to ride with no balls since it will be so cold.

My goal for the flatwater clinic is to learn how to do a proper set up wake. I've been working on it for a year but I can't ever get as much of a kick off it as the pros seem to get on the video clips. I've been trying BR's but I can't ever get past a nose stab. Anything else is gravy.

My goal for the freeride clinic is to learn safety and etiquitte and maybe how to pull off at least one cool move. It may be too cold for me at 9am. 40's?
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