10/27 daytona zone

good stuff scott...
hopefully there will be a little surf. It would be great to see all you guys again.

cool. do you have a ski back here? if not, maybe we can talk bill into letting you ride one of his. he has a whole stable of skis.

i've got an extra, but both of mine are stockers with no footholds. not quite par with what you're used to riding:biggrin:


fun day!!!!

the wave were so much fun... I sank my ski and the last session was crap for me... notice me looking down at my ski instead of the wave... (I was running on one cyl) :dead:

It's absolutely amazing how out of shape I am... I was sooo tired from not riding for so long... I really need to start doing something w/ myself..


Freakin Awesome Surf Stance rolls ! :bananajump:

Killer looking surf too ! :biggthumpup:


I have a couple other pics from that day of surf rolls...
I'll post them up later on this evening...

I even was working on doing stabs again... fun day


there were other good pics but resizing and posting is a pia.

besides, i'm in a football induced funk.

it was fun to finally have some good conditions. bill, thanks for all the great shots!

you had a ton af great re-entrys... post em..


Wow!! You all got some super clean surf up there. I went to Sebby on Sunday afternoon and it was blown out again. :pat: GREAT PICS :thewave:

sebastian inlet makes me want to quit jet skiing...
f that hell hole


Can you explain? Was it cause you all tried the tide pool? is it the drive? Maybe you have it perfect 2 miles from your home? people? Kracka? SSB? The slow zone? combination of all?

I hate it... I have been there one time when it was actually good...
It's always... always blown out there... Whoever at Surfline thinks that crap break is the best we have in Florida should be punched in the mouth...

Let me see....

  1. 2hr drive
  2. crappy locations to beach the ski
  3. lack of decent breaks, cause if the waves are good, you will be fighting surfers, cause "the hole" is like a 50 ft break...
  4. can't beach your ski safely if you get into trouble, cause the beach is way too steep
  5. riding approx 1/2 mile or more from the launch spot
  6. no one can see ********
  7. no one can film
  8. way too many couchers. at least double of any inlet up here
  9. no places to eat
  10. no hotels
  11. the bugs ********ing suck (no see em's are brutal) my wife will not even go to that ******** hole... I like to go places my wife can have fun too
do you want me to continue...
Can you explain? Was it cause you all tried the tide pool? is it the drive? Maybe you have it perfect 2 miles from your home? people? Kracka? SSB? The slow zone? combination of all?

that about sums it up!

we are spoiled up here and we know it

we can ride the best surf on this coast at a moments notice.......at a variety of different locations none-the-less
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