Anyone remember when 11 posted about his friend in France going missing and then they found him murdered at the bottom of the river or something like that? I wonder if that had anything to do with his drinking problem.
he wasn't murdered persay, he was hit by a car and knocked off the bridge in to the river. they found his body in a cove in some debrise.
that is what 11 posted in that thread. you can go pull that thread on pwct and check it out.
im not calling :bs2: on you.
im a conspiracy theorist:sneaky:
with all due respect... this is a thread to remember him, not conspiracy theory territory here... Seems kinda disrespectful... I know you are not that mean spirited.... please stay on topic.
im not mean spirited. i just dont believe that "11" was just one person. i think that whoever "played 11" is still alive and well.
thats just my belief. i hope im right. since i may not be, ill just shut up.
im not mean spirited. i just dont believe that "11" was just one person. i think that whoever "played 11" is still alive and well.
thats just my belief. i hope im right. since i may not be, ill just shut up.
Was 11's last name Hette?
Here's a pic of Stéphane Hette.......I thought it may be 11.
I'm with Charlie on this one .
Whoever was playing the game if it was Rob or whoever got tired of it and couldn't sit in front of the PC for 18 hrs a day which you would have to do to accumulate that many posts on so many different forums .
nothing disrespectful about not believing everything you see or here on the internet .