1100 EBox Timing Advance or Retard?


Bay Area, CA
Hey all --

Getting some conflicting information and wanted to see if anyone knew exactly what I need to know.

First I heard that crossing two wires in the 1100 ZXI EBox would ADVANCE the timing by 3*. Then I learned that these wires are for the temp sensor. When the temp sensor gets hot, resistance falls. So if you just jumper these two wires, it will retard the timing by about 3*.

How do we know for a fact if this is something that really works or not or if it just retards the timing when people are thinking it is advancing it?



Bay Area, CA
Thanks for the reply. Can you give me some more info around why this works? There are a number of people that I think have this confused with an over-temp sensor. As that sensor gets hot, the resistance drops. If you short those two wires, I takes it as an overheat condition and retards the timing to try and save the engine.

What I'm hearing from you is that this is not an over temp sensor but an AIR temp sensor and if you short those two wires it will then give you the advance in timing.

What is the thought process around advancing timing based on air temp?

john zigler

Vendor Account
Yes, there are TWO sensors. One air temp, which just hangs open in the engine compartment. The other is an engine temp which monitors engine water temp. It is a cylindrical piece with a small cooling line going to and from it.

By jumping the wires for the ambient air temp sensor, you will keep the timing advanced 3 or 4 degrees.


Bay Area, CA
Thanks for the replies. Just wanting to understand why Kawi did this. When the air temp goes up, it's better to advance timing or the other way around? With cold temps you want to advance the timing? Why is the beneficial to do in the first place? I mean, not the jumper thing, but I mean, why did Kawi make it so the timing advances with different temps?


Buy a Superjet
above 90 degrees the timing advances 3* from 0-3000rpms. Because the warmer the air temp the less power an engine makes.
It advances it 3* only up to 5000rpm then it drops back to normal do the jumper and do a timing advace plate with it. It will absolutely rip and don't have to worry about having to run race gas either.
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