if your not looking for gonzo HP that you really might not be ready for, both in abilities and maintenance.. I think you should seriously consider a great/compatible combo of bolt-ons.. I would recommend for you a FPP type-4/riva freeride pipe....ADA girdle head at 180psi...a charging aluminum flywheel(RAD or Jetinetics)...and a Skat-trak 12/17 swirl.. This set up will perfrom equal to or better than a stock GP800 in reguards to response and low end torque for your application, as well as be fairly reliable:bananapowerslide:
the 66e conv is a lot of work! and once its done there is no going back to 61x platform
the waterbox mountshas to be shaved and new mounts for the pipe glassed in
also the elect box is larger than fx1
id have to agree w yamaboy
head /pipe/ect..
Something no one ever mentions when the 800 motor comes up is that the 120 HP# that gets thrown around so much is with the OEM pipe. Also remember that is only claimed HP. FPP came up with lower numbers for the 701 than Yamaha claimed so it stands to reason the same could be true of the 800 also.The OE 800 pipe works very well. The 800 motor like the SD 951 motors, made max HP with twin pipes. I know that in the case of the SD motors FPP took a long time to come up with somethng that made better HP than stock. I'm not saying it's better/worse but it's always just assumed that you're gonna have 120 hp. That may be a bit optimistic. Transfer volume/shape/design is not a limiting factor in 800ish cc 62t based motors so I don't think the 800 wins in that area either. The real(and only,IMO) advantage the 800 platform is the ability to get big. Only then do the benefits of displacement make it a potentially superior platform. In my opinion.:wink:
P.S. I'm not saying Jeff's pipe don't work. I'm sure they work great.:veryhappy:
IMO that is way overkill for the FX-1 also. I mean Bonzai Bobs is a complete overkill freak boat, but that what makes it cool, but its not really a "common sense" build.
I would put a built 701/760 in there and find SJ hull or after market hull for the 800 engine. If you gonna go to all the trouble of putting one in, do it in a hull that will be a all around good riding ski for all condtions.
i never really got a stock bore 800 to run that well, the big bores with nice carbs and msd run very well. However it just wasn't that fun in a lightweight hull, I really enjoy the power in a larger ski.
:burnout: Yo Yo arent ya? Personally Id go with the 800 nice stock reliable setup yes more weight but this is in an FX and plenty of room to improve. Of course I am biased as I am going this route as well.
Nice! If just doing a 800 I think the lamey would be a little better, but with a 927 there is no question. Superram jet is selling some 84mm 1300r cylinders (non pv) for about 500. PV's are just one less thing.
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