1990 650sx choke cable

Will choke cable from a 1991 js650sx fit on a 1990 js650sx? Part numbers on 1990 is 59401-3706(7) And part number on 1991 59401-3708. Looks like the older one has a straight end and newer one has curve to it but actual ends don't look that different. I can pick up the 1991 for 1/2 the price of older one. Any thoughts?

Midlake Crisis

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Bakersfield, CA
You could ditch the choke for a primer at about the same cost (I did, like it better) and put the plunger where the choke knob was. If you want to stick with the choke I have a choke cable from '90 650sx I can send you for $10 shipped.
I was thinking about plunger, but My pipe is like less than 2 inches from where choke hole is, that what pushing me to cable direction. That and my reserve switch is pretty stuck on and I didn't want to crack it. I am in for buying your cable. Send me your email I will PayPal you and include my address. Thnx!
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