Whatever man, I thought you actually had something constructive to say towards the post. You say my theories are conflicting but don't explain how?
I don't ride full speed because its a superjet, I like freestyle riding, jumping boat wakes (chasing them is when the porpoising is annoying), and working on tricks.
You claim rider error, but that doesn't make sense as to why I can ride a friends stock Superjet and not have the problem. Its a 2002 by the way, not an 08+ with the new hull design and pump. I can lean over my bars with my feet at the front of the tray and it will still want to do it. I can regain control by backing off throttle a bit but when trying to go flat out, after a bit it starts again.
Pump is in good shape. New pump shoe seal, clean vanes, newish 9/15 hooker. Did it with my old skat trak prop as well.
Anyhow, I still don't understand the pushback to defoam. Worst case scenario it doesn't fix it and my skis 25 lbs lighter. It will make it faster and easier to jump out of the water, not seeing the downsides here. Google superjet foam porpoising and you'll see other posts of people having a similar issue that went away after replacing foam.
"I dont go full speed often" - You dont know how to ride YOUR ski.
"Weight is not an issue" - You literally just said that reducing items encompassing the weight of the rear of the ski is not an issue.
"It's not rider error" - this is debatable.
Never pushed back against you defoaming your ski. Defoam your ski, I don't care. I said that it's not going to help your porpoising. See my avatar picture? That's me racing a 1991 superjet with heavy wet foam. Zero porpoising.
I did a quick google search and only saw you in other threads complaining about porpoising.