Blaster 1994 Blaster spark issue HELP!

Howdy all!

New guy here as you can tell .. I have a 1994 blaster, It has been a good ski thus far, I do not have all that many hours on it and have not had any issues up until now.

It seems I do and don't have spark.. sounds stupid I know.

Here is whats going on.

I had the hose hooked to it to flush it.. didn't get to it that instant, wife decided to water flowers.. turns hose on, floods engine.. it wasn't locked by the time I got to it.. but there was water in the cylinders.

So.. i pulled the plugs and cranked it over for some time.... it spewed water and I feel I got "most" of it out.

Here is where things get weird...

I throw the plugs in, try to start it to clean it out and it fires... runs for about 4 seconds and shuts off.. then, wont start... So I pull the plugs and NO joy.. no spark.

I pulled the front cover over the fly wheel because I thought maybe some moisture intruded in there. I took the wifes hair dryer and placed it in there on low directed at the flywheel and left it sit.

Later on I checked it and there was a weak spark.. not nice fat and blue.

Could not start with the weak spark and the moisture still in the engine.

I pulled the box cracked it open and checked power to my coil.. it was 12v and "seemed" right.. I am NO expert on these electronics... I work on airplanes.

I tested the coil according to the example I found on the net and it tested bad.

OK.. good .. right?..

Just got the new coil I ordered.

Put it in the box reassembled and tested it.. Bright blue fat magnificent spark... GREAT! .. right?

OK insert plugs, prime each Cyl.. prime carb.. crank over to start.. crank some more, more.. no life.

Hmm.. pull plugs, they have a milky mess on them.. yep water.. but they also have NO F'N SPARK!

Slap 2 brand new NGKs on the wires and nothing... No spark.

I pulled the connector for the kill switch.. I even pulled the one for the starter and jumped it in case it was the kill switch and not the lanyard switch.. Nothing.. No spark.

So.. in a nutshell I am here to pick your collective brains about this issue.. Please bear in mind if you go into details about testing these components please explain it as if you were talking to a 5 year old.. I am not that savvy on these things.. airplanes have MAGS.. not CDIs and coils.

and my cars are not like these either.

I have read about testing some of these things but I do not understand the electrical terms and nomenclature of the parts involved.

That said.. I am not an idiot and will be able to figure it out with well written directions~!

I have a component that is failing.. obviously but I want to avoid spending 5 thousand bucks replacing parts until one works.

thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you may be able to provide.

Mike W

North Florida
You need to get all the water out of the engine ASAP. If not you run the chance of the crank locking up tight. If you can't get it running I would pull the carb and intake, rock the ski to the side to dump the water out of the crankcase.
I charged the Batt. over night,, put it in.. had spark, replaced the plugs.. tried to start.. it fired ran 2 seconds and died..

then, NO SPARK.

I believe if I can get spark the water issue will be cured.. I cannot turn it on its side or upside down.. I cannot get it off the trailer to do that and I have a fkd up back... bad from a parachute accident years ago.

it is still pushing a bit of mist out if i hold a finger over a hole.. but it is not spraying everywhere.. Spark will cure the rest. I need spark.

I understand the water issue.. but there really is not much i can do about it.. i am cranking it over everyday and have fogged it with corrosion-X 2 times.

Chris.. you have some CDIs.. do you have the other parts as well?.. the coils and stator stuff?

send me an email if you would with prices for each at

I need to get spark so this machine will run.

also I read the aformentioned linked post, here is a pic of my wiring coming from the engine. Can someone please tell me what wires are for what so that i know which ones I am testing... the colors dont seem to be the same as in the post.


Mike W

North Florida
Those wires are coming from the stator which in conjunction with the flywheel charges your battery. WqDid you try cutting the sparkplug wires back?
If I were you I would John at a call. He can test all your electrical components and tell you exactlly what's wrong. He does top notch work and has a quick turn around time.
re-reading that i think i may be able to discern them.. the one on the top is BR/WHT trace... next one down is grn Lighting coil.. next is WHT/RED trace.. Pulser coil bottom two?? at a loss here..

Mike W

North Florida
Electrical gremlins drive me insane. Keep in mind, your electrical components ar almost 20 years old. Wouldn't be a bad idea to have everything tested and get the stator rebuilt.
I may do that if I have to.. thanks for the info. At this time i am just trying to get this machine running good so i can sell it. i have not been able to ride for a while now. Therefore I want to try and get this going as cheaply as possible. I know that sounds bad but I just do not have a lot of free cash right now. i can afford to work on it myself.

I have lost quite a bit of work over the last year... those "evil private jet owners" have been cutting back since they have been the target of the class warfare coming from DC... mortgage and food come first. :no:


havin fun
clearwater FL
I just had a similar problem w my blaster. tried everything. all the parts "tested" good. swapped coil for a new one, swapped cdi to a new enhancer and then swapped stator. while swapping stator finally found that one of the bullet connectors was recrimped at some point and was probably loose. when we swapped parts it finally pulled out. I happen to have the correct tool to crimp it and bingo ski started.

so in simple terms check each and every connection. if it feels like the bullet connectors snap too easy, fix it. if there is corrososion, clean it. sand all the ground connectors and posts. also just for the hell of it while cranking you may try wiggling all the wires to see if maybe there is a break and the connection comes and goes. good luck

the fact that it starts and then dies sounds like a ground problem to me. just a guess.
can the stator output be tested by probing the wire and grounding the meter?.. because I followed the other post and on my meter was only showing about 3.5 volts on the "charge" coil.. and about 2.5 on the pulser coil... assuming I have this meter set right.

Or do I HAVE to disconnect the wires from inside the electrical box to test them?

here is where my meter was set for the test.

there is a 200 and 500 scale.. I used the 200


is this correct?
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