300/440/550 1st Ski. 1st Build.

Picked up this 84' Kawasaki "js-idk" the motor that came with it is a 440, the jet pump is for a 550, and the hull is just too small to be for either. (Unless the hull is the same for the 300/440/550). I'm debating on doing a half flat-deck and hopefully sinking in cargo boxes to whatever remains on the rails.


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You have a JS 440. Do a full assessment of what you have and what your budget is. While parts are cheap and plentiful for vintage skis it still adds up. What is your goal for this hull.
You have a JS 440. Do a full assessment of what you have and what your budget is. While parts are cheap and plentiful for vintage skis it still adds up. What is your goal for this hull.
So far I posses every major and most minor parts for the ski. I am missing little bolts and screws but I can order new or source all that I need. The hull has one pinhole and a bunch of scratches that I plan to fill and gel coat. Would it be safe to use a baking soda blaster to clean the engine bay? I've read a lot about these custom flat decks and I feel it would be nice to cut the tray about 1'-1'6". BUT. People talk a lot about getting swept off the flat deck or hurting themselves pretty bad. Could I just leave the outside wall of the tray and fiber glass a new thin outer wall?
I did a half flat deck a few years ago. Never had any problems with footing. I thought of it as a improvement myself. Blast or not blast, it's time like everything else. LMK if you need any parts. Still have a bin of JS parts.
Don't torture yourself by flat decking your first ski. Ride it and have fun until youre bored and buy a more powerful ski. Flat decking it is a huge waste of time. Have fun!
Big Kahuna-Do you think that in my case, someone put the wrong motor in? The original seal is around the pump so if it is a 550 pump then it originally had a 550 engine?
Downrange-I really appreciate that and will keep you in mind as I go. And you said that you did a flat deck yourself-would it be wise to pour new foam into the deck cavity?

Lumberjack-I bought this ski for $300 mainly to teach myself small engine repair. The flat decking is to make it rideable for me(size 14 feet don't fit in the small tray)
Everyone- I apologize for the delayed response.
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