Super Jet 1st superjet, which ones a better deal

Hey guys, I posted today about a superjet project ski that I was going to buy but didn't. I'm going to buy a ski tomorrow. Need a little help. Which would you pick?

Option 1
1991 with 701 conversion. Says it runs great, can water test.
Coffman pipe
Silas impeller
Intake grate
150 psi compression (supposedly)
Electric bilge

Option 2
1991 with 701 conversion. Says it runs great, can water test.
Protec stainless A body pipe
Riva scoop grate
Pjs extended ride plate
Unknown compression
what are their prices? to me the second one looks cleaner so that's the one I would probably take. I think for your first ski a cleaner ski would be more desireable because I would assume its been better cared for and will be more reliable. Just my two cents. Both skis look nice. I dont think you can go wrong either way assuming the prices are fair. Being able to test ride them is awesome.
you could just be up front and tell him you've never ridden before. If he still lets you ride then you're good. If you try and pretend like you've ridden before he will know right away you are lying lol. just remember, get some speed before you try and stand. if the jet's not blasting your balls off while you are laying on your stomach you arent going fast enough to stand up.


JM781 Big Bore
Don't be discouraged if it porpoises a lot, most of them do until you get the hang of it. Also, you may hate the pole on it because the SN ones can weigh a ton. You can always upgrade to an aftermarket pole or even throw on a RN pole in the future and it will feel WAY lighter.


Urban redneck
I'd go for the 1st choice because its not yellow lol.
Either way $2500 seems a bit high but not out of the question high.
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