SX/SXi/SXi Pro 2002 SXI Pro Noise at Idle

Hi everyone, new member and new to stand up jetskis.

Bought the jetski in the title and it is a blast to ride but I have a noise that I can't find an answer to with searching.

When the ski is on the hose and at idle, it sounds like something is vibrating or a metallic rattling sound but goes away when you give it throttle. Sounds the same as this guys ski when it is idling

Is that normal? I can hear it in the water when idling but it is much less noticeable.

Thanks for any help.


anchorage ak
It might be the little metal bar that flips over to keep your handle pole up. It's supposed to sit in a rubber boot when you're not using it, and even then it likes to vibrate against all the metal at the bottom of the handle pole
I dont think it is the metal bar at the front. It is definitely right below the deck, basically by the pump. Could it be the impeller hitting the wear ring as stated in the youtube video comment?
I know this has nothing to do with the original question but I noticed yesterday that the right side stabilizer on the back was broken off. Part number 59437A on the hull. The screws must have broken. Should I replace it or just leave it off? Will it affect handling that much? They are about $120 if i order a new one.
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