Big, make that HUGE props go to Captain BS and Allen for setting up such a well organized event. I lost count of how many skis and riders were actually able to show up but it doesn't really matter, it was a big success. The on-lookers and passer-bys seemed to welcome us and were so pleased to sit back and watch us ride with their families.
Thank you Dave for coming down and shooting photos all weekend.
I personally had an awesome time that equaled my fun at last years Rager, without the drive. We could not have asked for nicer weather. The surf was pretty decent too.
Nick, props to you for sending good Freeride karma our way, it worked. Few injuries, a little carnage and an all-around great event.
For the visitors from far away, thank you too. Your taking a chance made things that much better!
See you all next year.:Banane19: