Big Kahuna
- Location
- Tuscaloosa, AL
brappy hirthday girl. Go have some fun.
FYI... My ski is 100% legal.
I am not running a lightweight hull. It weighs in at 115Lbs.
I also had the smallest engine in the top 5.... Stock stroke, 84mm bore=760cc
FYI... My ski is 100% legal.
I am not running a lightweight hull. It weighs in at 115Lbs.
I also had the smallest engine in the top 5.... Stock stroke, 84mm bore=760cc
Great job. At least you have the skill to compete and not just all motor like the top 2 had!!!!!
but what is the point of rules if they are not going to follow them...... this chit pisses me off.
but what is the point of rules if they are not going to follow them...... this chit pisses me off.
It's spelled Potanin...Excuse spellings......
1. Ivan Pontanini - russia
Any pics from the event? Any video?
i think you guys should check with the officials . aftermarket hulls are now admitted to am class as of a month ago . no one ran a 1000cc motor all the engines for the top five got tech inspected maximum of 800cc . the judging was fair .jared had a great run and finished with bronze . ivan is a great ridier on any ski dont try to place this all on equipment guys .