What kind of Tequila ?
Does it matter? ( Can't wait to hit the road! ):bananalama:
What kind of Tequila ?
I don’t know dude, you don’t sound too hella safe on road or off…(think I’m gonna have to text Mr. R and check you out first, but if he says no…I might just have to pack some protection :rocketwhore!!! I remember three nice guys pitching my tent from that crazy/fun Oceanside Caravan! Were you at that guy’s house in Long Beach for the FOREVER WRENCHING JOB (lol), or WAS that your house…if that was your house, I feel safe enough (plus I met your wife:slap!
I fly into SD tomorrow, checking outta hotel on Thurs, and was planning to get on the road then. Would that work for you? I’ll check back shortly…I’m in mad hatter preparation mode!
I hate to be surf snob, but I am. If the surf report looks good I may make it up. I hate beeing cold and sandy if there is no surf.
Yes, I'm a puss.
Maybe I could be swayed to come, if only someone had a bottle of Tequila...:shhh:
Aaron Sanchez is considering making the trek and Meesh and I *might have room for you and My Mexican in the condo too You two should talk about car-pooling, though knowing him, he wouldn't leave SoCal until bright and early Saturday. He'll bring his pooch Nandi too I hope. Email me at priceconsulting@yahoo.com if you need his contact info.
Hope to see you there either way,
(hot tub!)
I'm leaving Thursday, morning or afternoon is yet to be decided.
EDDIE Mr. Happy man we will be there Thurs too. YIPPIE all the guys will be there should be a blast as always. Did i hear Hot tub and tequila WOW Promise to behave this time around:drillsergeant: :spank: LOL.... At anyrate hope you got to see the pics i posted from Blowsion good pics of you in the shop.
See ya there,
not just thursday.. TOMORROW! :bananajump::bananajump:
At anyrate hope you got to see the pics i posted from Blowsion good pics of you in the shop.
Mike sent me this pic from the Blowsion party.
We can't split until Friday afternoon, but at least it's good to see Sac is going to be there in full force. Doug from MotoTechnologies and perhaps Dave, and even the nephew Jason Billings will be headed your way with me in just hours. The best part? I get to relax, ride - and don't have to work an event for a change! Boy has this thing come full circle...back to a ton of us just hanging out and riding - and all in Joe's honor.