2009 Can-Am Freeride planning

2009 Can-Am Freeride
This will be the 3rd year meeting for this ride. EVERY year has been a blast IMO and that is why It is time to get my ass in gear and plan this. But i NEED your input for Anyone that would like to attend.

First thing for planning I am down to just 3 weekends to choose from. 2 Are overlaps unfortunatly. heres the pros and cons to each as well...

June 27-28 Weekend
Pros: Early Ride, we get to meet up soon
Cons: Same weekend as Ozarks Invasion, the water is still cool

July 18-19 Weekend
Pros: Mid summer. Great temps, School is out for the youngins
Cons: its only 1 week before Cleveland Rock and Ride

August 8-9 Weekend
Pros: Optimal water temp. Optimal Summer Temps
Cons: Same weekend as St. Croix Sortie. Late in summer

As for plans for 2009 ride...
Afterparty at Palmwood Bar and Grill
Day Camping and Grilling at the boat launch park
Double Boat wake
Racing course set up with Bouys
This year we can not have as many people camped out in the yard (we had the town talking last year haha )

Please for any one who plans on attending please give me some feedback about the previous years. What would you like to see and what would you like to eliminate. I want every one to have an awesome time, No damaged jetskis, And every one leaving with a smile or a frown of sadness for having to leave.
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I forgot!
I am in as always, its been a good time previous years and I will make time to attend whatever weekend you pick. your plan is alway good, what ever happens happens and i will be there to participate. i will let the gtapilots know.
Well since every one is so easy going. What would be a prefered date.

I am kinda shooting for the july one but i dont want to take from Cleveland or have people to poor to come to my ride because of cleveland rock n ride.

And either way this year will be 100% improved.
MMM, you confuse me...thought you were not doing it this year?? However, I am pleased to know that you are! Had a blast last year as well.....I guess just pick a date and its on.
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Torrent Pumps
Site Supporter
Pennellville, NY
Hey I know it is late to reply...

But I think the end of June would be better than the July date because of the Rock and Ride. Just my two cents. Got to get my Enhanced license.



frozen in the ice
Ontario boy
I'm in for any date. July would likely work best for the majority I would think? June is early and most people go away for vacations in August
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