2009 Ozarks Invasion FAQ

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1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
I have been waiting for a call back from the ranger when I read that post. Again about last year we came very close to a disaster. The regulars talked up our freeride so good everone want to ride loto!!! The ranger said he would work with me (last year) if anyone would have complained about us. I'll update next week.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas

would you mind explaining what disaster we came close to last year?

if its a secret, please email or PM me if you dont want to post it here.

and about regulars talking up the freeride, do you mean on here ( the X) or somewhere else?

I am a bit confused as to whether you are implying that we should be quiet about the ozark jetski invasion, or drum up lots of riders?

please, explain yourself Lou.

I have been waiting for a call back from the ranger when I read that post. Again about last year we came very close to a disaster. The regulars talked up our freeride so good everone want to ride loto!!! The ranger said he would work with me (last year) if anyone would have complained about us. I'll update next week.


1 hp./1.83lbs
St. Louis
Talking it up is perfect, more newbies want to check it out. Even at the boat show I told all the watercraft dealers. Now about last year. The t-shirts were being given out at the beach. He actually asked if those were being sold there. He saw my ezup with the sponsers banners and beach balls and ask is anything being sold out of the "booth" and of coarse neither was the case. Then he ask how much more space and people attending and if we were giong to have a open fire to bbq. And a few more questions of how we all managed to be here at the same time, ect. Once he gather up all the answers he explaind that if anyone complaines he's aware of the situation. He went on to explain in not so many words that we cant just take over that whole public area and set up shop. He was very nice in his delevery that we could be ask to leave, again, if anyone complaines. I asked him if he could come to me first if a problem would arise so we can deal with it before its to late. He said sure and gave me his card to contact him before we come back. Thats the call back I'm waiting on. Thats all , so this year will have more ducks(jet skies) in a row.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
Thank you for taking the time to explain it Lou.

so , basically, if some family was down there and felt 'crowded' on the beach area, or wanted to hassle us, they could make a case?

did someone complain last year?

Talking it up is perfect, more newbies want to check it out. Even at the boat show I told all the watercraft dealers. Now about last year. The t-shirts were being given out at the beach. He actually asked if those were being sold there. He saw my ezup with the sponsers banners and beach balls and ask is anything being sold out of the "booth" and of coarse neither was the case. Then he ask how much more space and people attending and if we were giong to have a open fire to bbq. And a few more questions of how we all managed to be here at the same time, ect. Once he gather up all the answers he explaind that if anyone complaines he's aware of the situation. He went on to explain in not so many words that we cant just take over that whole public area and set up shop. He was very nice in his delevery that we could be ask to leave, again, if anyone complaines. I asked him if he could come to me first if a problem would arise so we can deal with it before its to late. He said sure and gave me his card to contact him before we come back. Thats the call back I'm waiting on. Thats all , so this year will have more ducks(jet skies) in a row.


ISJWTA member #2
NW Arkansas
thats a state park beach right?

weve got $50 each in campsite fees, to the state park!

im sure though, they could severely bust our groove if the popo really wanted to hassle us.

So I concur that its good to make a nice, clean, and accommodating presence on the public beach.

I think I paid taxes just as much as the family on the beach... Lets just skip the promo looking stuff and keep it simple if thats the problem.
I think we should just show up and ride. If they want to hassle us then what real course do they have. I understand that they can make our time out there a living hell but why can't we all meet up and ride. What "rule" would that be breaking. There can be 3000 boats tied up together in the no wake cove and I am sure that there are people complaining about that all the time. But why can't 200 standups take up the beach. What if by chance we all meet up in town and said "hey meet me at PB2"

Ok now my rant is over lets do all we can to get along. And I am sure if we asked we could mow a strip or if we were really nice they might mow a few days before.


winter sucks
St. Louis
I will be camping in my house on the 20 1/2 mm. Will be down Friday morning til Monday evening.

I also can't wait :Banane13::Banane13::Banane13::Banane13::Banane13::Banane13::Banane13::Banane13:

Just need to get more gas cans....


Braap Certified
Blue Springs, MO
I should be able to make it. Probably stay at the lake house on the 44mm. But might camp Saturday night.:Banane13::Banane13::Banane13::Banane13::Banane13::Banane13::Banane13::Banane13:
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