I haven't been to any other rides where it was such a problem. I think that most rides being at a park/ public beach/ etc. makes it less acceptable. FSF (Hothole/Sunday only) has a rather remote location, and some people think they can do whatever they like - regardless of the danger they pose to others. And yeah, I've heard the argument "If you don't feel safe, just ride when they're not riding" which is bs. There's no controlling when anyone hits the water. Maybe it's the fault of the organizers, for making it completely acceptable to drink while riding at their events. Whatever the reason, it's chasing people away. Maybe the ride should get a new name, like "Freestyle Kegger" (I'm being sarcastic) Well, at least people would know what they're getting into. Ipperwash could keep the FSF name, since it's mostly unnafected.