2010 rock n ride pics

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Breakin' the atmosphere.
Strongsville, OH
^^^ Okay, anyone want to share the whole story? I didn't hear anything about it. I do know that I have almost ALWAYS had trouble with them in the past. I actually received several tickets, one for speeding (I was parked for half an hour, car was off (fought and won) and they claimed my ski, trailer, and truck were all stolen. That's a long story, but basically, I was parked in the lot unstrapping my ski. They pulled up and started yelling. Everything was registered, I had all papers and even the titles with me. I don't know why they came up to me. First they said my ski was stolen, then my trailer, then my truck. They threatened to impound me. Then all of a sudden, they got in their truck and left. To this day, I don't know what all of this was about, but like you said... they were on a VERY personal level with me.

edit: Oh, while I was sitting there waiting with my handpole up, some lady walked by and asked me why I had an elliptical exercise machine at the beach. That's a new one.
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ill start this off with a few. i didnt take to many stills but we have a ton of video. sunday was amazing we had some killer surf.

killer pic bro!! who is that cold blooded killer with 2 type 4's?

wish we stuck around on sunday but it looked like it was going to rain all day and its a long ride home..

thanks to the ohio crew for putting on another awesome event and putting up with the red necks from up north
Hey Shark email the entire detailed story to Pamela Dillon in Columbus. She is the Chief and has been contacted by several of us and was helpful in getting a title to my custom hull when one of her fat ass loser officers refused to do it even after he had been given all needed info.

Your exact story happened to me as well and I told that officer the same thing I told this one.....either write the ticket (it would have been a very questionable parking ticket and he knew it) or get the fug out of my face and don't speak to me.


Put attention to Pamela Dillon.
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Breakin' the atmosphere.
Strongsville, OH
I will...
It was getting to the point where I thought it might be a good to say "Either give me a ticket or impound me, get the police here or whatever it is you do, and take me to jail". Then I would deal with it in court. The lot was empty, just me. He wrote one ticket for 'endangering others' or something like that. Nothing they were doing made sense and that is what worried me the most. If I was speeding (or my car was moving, NOT parked) or I did something wrong, that's fine. But they were just making accusations of stolen property that clearly weren't. The whole time, I was very respectful (yes sir, no sir). My trailer, at the time, was home-made and white. He literally said to me "Any white homemade trailers always come up as stolen". I don't even know what he meant by that. Similar things have happened to me there over the years. There was a whole year where I was afraid to go to edgewater.

So did this person give you guys a hard time about bringing the jeep to the beach, the sinking ski, or was it something else?
Thanks everyone.... for a great time..... DJ, once again a pleasure!

Monkey, you deserve props for letting me set the motorhome up in shad’s back yard".... SORRY for running over the dogs grave !!!! MY BAD!

It’s enjoyable to be around a good group of people!

Matt..... I thought you were going to SNAP and go “spider monkey" all over that guy.... Thanks for the rescue....

After 20 min under water, i finally got her to fire up again. After i got home I realized I had a full tank, but when she went down I only had a ¼, no wonder she wouldn't come back to life.
When it first went under i was out another 30 or 40' out. the ass did float, but the nose was on the bottom. the flatdeck doesn't have enough floatation. thank god it was only 10' deep.
looks like i need to reinforce the hood and put a real strap on that thing.

See everyone at Waverave with a hood strap and rear eyelet.
THE 440/750 will roll
Thanks everyone.... for a great time..... DJ, once again a pleasure!

Monkey, you deserve props for letting me set the motorhome up in shad’s back yard".... SORRY for running over the dogs grave !!!! MY BAD!

It’s enjoyable to be around a good group of people!

Matt..... I thought you were going to SNAP and go “spider monkey" all over that guy.... Thanks for the rescue....

After 20 min under water, i finally got her to fire up again. After i got home I realized I had a full tank, but when she went down I only had a ¼, no wonder she wouldn't come back to life.
When it first went under i was out another 30 or 40' out. the ass did float, but the nose was on the bottom. the flatdeck doesn't have enough floatation. thank god it was only 10' deep.
looks like i need to reinforce the hood and put a real strap on that thing.

See everyone at Waverave with a hood strap and rear eyelet.
THE 440/750 will roll

dont forget a front loop too ! see ya at the rave Bill !


vintage BABY
Thanks everyone.... for a great time..... DJ, once again a pleasure!

Monkey, you deserve props for letting me set the motorhome up in shad’s back yard".... SORRY for running over the dogs grave !!!! MY BAD!

It’s enjoyable to be around a good group of people!

Matt..... I thought you were going to SNAP and go “spider monkey" all over that guy.... Thanks for the rescue....

After 20 min under water, i finally got her to fire up again. After i got home I realized I had a full tank, but when she went down I only had a ¼, no wonder she wouldn't come back to life.
When it first went under i was out another 30 or 40' out. the ass did float, but the nose was on the bottom. the flatdeck doesn't have enough floatation. thank god it was only 10' deep.
looks like i need to reinforce the hood and put a real strap on that thing.

See everyone at Waverave with a hood strap and rear eyelet.
THE 440/750 will roll

It was not a good weekend for 440s. Mine sank on Friday... hahaha, ski looked awesome tho!
What was said after I walked away and he got back in his truck and left?[/QUOTE]

After you told him to either give you a ticket or take his fat ass and go, I stroked his ego for a few seconds.
I had the feeling he was going nowhere until someone acknowledged his authority.
I really didn't think he was THAT bad until it was clear to me the whole speech he was giving was not a safety speech at all, it was an I HAVE POWER speech.

I actually feel bad for anyone looking that hard for reassurance of their existence. That guy was pretty pathetic!

OH… I may have mentioned you were on day leave from the mental hospital .

you also have to remember we were doing 25+ with three guys and 3 skis on the trailer with one ski being rev---ED........

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I found a couple couches, asked them for a tow. They said "sure, when the water dies down". Well that wasn't going to happen, so I talked to some other couchers. They said, "sure!" so I walked back to my ski and they took off. At that point, it was like 6:30 and only one other couch in sight. If I had to walk back to my car to call my friend to tow me, it would probably be past dark. I walked over to the PR group to ask for a tow, they literally had to get someone to translate for me. They agreed (for $), but they didn't have a rope (I let a couch borrow mine at the dock earlier in the day, never returned). Luckily I found some shoe-string quality rope on the beach. Looped it 4 times between us and took off. He didn't understand the concept of "Jesus christ, please slow down!!!" (yes, I was nice and appreciative and gave him some $). But about 5 rope breaks later and some very tired arms, we made it! Got to the ramp about 7-730. I let the ski charge up 5min on my car and it started fine. Sigh.

Hey sorry, I was one of those couches. You probably didn't see, but the starter went out on the other ski that was with me, and I had to tow him back. My ski was cavitating very bad and I could barely pull his, it was so bad he had to walk back to the ramp since his weight was keeping us from going anywhere.
Glad to hear you got back to the ramp though.
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Breakin' the atmosphere.
Strongsville, OH
Hey sorry, I was one of those couches. You probably didn't see, but the starter went out on the other ski that was with me, and I had to tow him back. My ski was cavitating very bad and I could barely pull his, it was so bad he had to walk back to the ramp since his weight was keeping us from going anywhere.
Glad to hear you got back to the ramp though.

Nononono, not you, I recognized your ski from your avatar and I saw you tow your buddy in so I figured you were in trouble. The guy closer to me is the one that took off (big red couch). The white/yellow one said when the waves die down lol. But I don't blame anyone anyway, it's nobody's elses responsibility but my own. It would have been nice if the red couch at least said no instead of just taking off. I can't count how many couches I've towed home from that beach. But holy crap those waves were rough. The guy didn't want to go slow, so to keep the rope from breaking, I had to hold it myself while sitting on the back of his ski. I think my arms stretched out a few inches.
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More pics

Saturday and afterparty


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