Custom/Hybrid 2011 Superfreak Surf Build

Went out today in the surf, was a little washy but some waves were good. Backflip, Barrel Roll, Rentry, no problems. This is the most stable ski yet. Gave the ski to Joe and the first wave he hit, Backflip and rode away, then its hard to get the ski back. After that Bruce rode it and tried a backlfip and was rolling it with ease. Awesome ski!!!!!!!!! You can even ask them


Formerly Motoman25
Long Island
I had the most horrible/embarrassing backflip attempt ever. The ski rolls like butter, and re-entrys are easier than anything else I've ever rode. Definitely a great handling ski. A little nose high compared to my tank of a superjet but nothing like some of the other short hulls you have had. It doesn't sink in the back like a bob would or even the rickter after a sharp turn. I could probably be used to riding that ski in a half a tank of gas in good surf.

Definitely a fun ride!!
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