have fun at the invasion guys. it is a great event that we are going to miss out on this year cuz of a race conflict. Hope to see you at the Dragon's Cup!
here is a repost of the info on the Dragon's Cup at the Lake of the Ozarks
This is going to be a huge event expect thousands if not tens of thousands of spectators! We got some major sponsors for the Dragon's Cup and will have billboard ads on the routes to the lake and radio ads running on KC, St. Louis and the lake soon.
we received permission to make a huge area of the lake around the race NO WAKE and will have two water patrol boats and ten volunteer boats doing traffic control around the race area.
!!!!!!!if you are planning on bringing a camper, RV or large race trailer be sure you know where you are going because a lot of the roads around this lake are narrow and windy. if you make a wrong turn you make get stuck somewhere. if you are unfamiliar with the area contact me and I will meet you somewhere and guide you to the race location. Also if you are bringing something really big like a RV with a race trailer please contact me so we can make room for you and help you get to the site!!!!!!!!
The race will be at Coconuts in Gravois Mills, Mo on Aug 3 and 4. it is an R9 IJSBA
http://nautiwaterracing.com/ race.
To reserve a camping spot or one of the houses at the race location contact these folks
if you need a place to stay you should book soon cuz these places will probably fill up.
the Lake House Inn Laurie, MO 573-374-7322
Waters Edge Motel Gravois Mills, MO 573-372-2201
Western Hills Motel Versailles, MO 573-378-4663
Baits Motel Gravois Mills, MO 573-286-2525
Drop Anchor Gravois Mills, MO 573-372-6620