2013 LSFR April 26-28 Port Aransas (not Crystal Beach? No!)

My child is at Ou children's hospital in okc if she is released I will be there but if not I will not be able to make it :( !
My fellow riders will be there in my stead if I can't make it ! Every one have a safe trip and a safe ride and I will see you next time!

Hope she is ok bro, sorry to hear that she is ill. Good luck


From( Jet Punks ) Texoma
Every thing checked out! My lil girl is doing great and I will be heading home to get ready to leave for port a !


From( Jet Punks ) Texoma
are we going to have room to get close or are we going to have to all park away from each other. and where are you parked at larry we will be heading that way after midnight and will be there in the morning by 10 am for sure.
I will be setting up at about ten tomorrow. I will do my best to save as many spots. They don't allow cones chairs or caution tape. We played this game during spring break.i have a loud speaker and with the right kid rock song we can clear the beach.lol:Banane09:


From( Jet Punks ) Texoma
We are coming into San Antonio and will be there around 1030 or 11
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