2013 Pacific City Spring Break Freeride Thread


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at peace
I'm trying to gauge interest for a 2013 Spring Break Freeride in Pacific City, Oregon.
As usual, this is an extremely small "event", if it could even be called that. In the past few years, it's been just a small handful of riders getting together and having a good time. 2-3 days of solid riding in the surf, barbecue either on the beach or back at the house(s).
So, if you're interested, express it here or on the identical PWC Today thread, or on the Northwest group on Facebook. Once we nail something down, I'll make it an event on Facebook.
Really the only dates that would work for me are March 8-10 or March 15-17. I may or may not have a ski at that time.

New participants welcome.


Lover of Life!
Should we try for another chili feed, potluck this year? It really seemed to work out well last year. If so, let me know what night to reserve the hall for.
We don’t have anything planned I know of; I’ll ask Dave and see what he has to say. Either way you guys have my number get a hold of me sometime and we can dicuss this futher down the road.
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