Other 2013 Superjet?


Yo hablo ingles
I get what you're saying but its a supply and demand thing. They dont stock very many because they dont sell like sitdowns, which in turn drives the demand up. When the 08 SJ came out, the dealer here in town bought one. It sat for 6 months before somebody finally bought it. I remember the local Kawi dealer having stock from the previous year a few years back too, it just never moved.


Cats, lots of cats!
United States
Sorry to revive an old thread, but if the manufacturer makes less, then to the dealer and end buyer it will seem like there is more of a demand then there really is.

I am glad to see Yamaha producing them for another year. If the aftermarket stays as hot as it is, they may just revive the standup and make a few improvements. Personally when I go to the lake there are twice as many stand ups then couches. It is a great sight to see.
No doubt where I'm from the stand ups have made a HUGE comeback in the last 3-5 years. You would never see them before but now you see multiple groups of guys riding everyday
here it is from the Yamaha site: http://www.yamahawaverunners.com/superjet

says right at the top 2013 models



The cheapest couch you can get from Yamaha is $8400. $8200 for a SJ isn't that bad in my opinion. A bit steep but given how low the US dollar is vs. the Yen, plus inflation, I don't think it is unreasonable vs. the prices from years back.

In 2004, $5,000 was 550,000 yen. Now $5,000 is 390,000 yen. Just for Yamaha to get the same revenue in Yen (save for hedging activities) from 2004 to today, they would have to have raised the price by 40%, so it is not hard to see why prices are up.

Maybe they've jacked up prices in Japan as well which would make the currency argument no longer stand, but I don't know pricing trends there.
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