2014 TigerCraft Aquabot V2


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
Tried a new rideplate Sunday. Conditions were huge and messy. This rideplate was awesome in those conditions! Less rail and more keel give it a more loose but stable feeling.
I'm loving this hull right up until the last second of ownership but it's still for sale.




Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
Just rode this ski tonight after work... first evening ride of the year... And last time for me riding this ski. Stripped it and sold the hull when I got home :(
I worry if I've made the right decision... Time will tell


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
Used shims. No mounts are going to be perfect without using shims. Couch mounts are taller. Some couch mounts have bigger bolt holes so the mounts can be moved inward/outward to adjust engine height and to center the couplers and some grind the bottom of the mount to get correct engine height if the mounts are too high
KTM434 said:

I have heard other BOT owners that used regular SJ mounts with 1/4" shims in order to make it work... I went with the couch mounts and they worked perfect, but, I did not try reg SJ mounts either... Couch mounts worked perfect for my BOT


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
Maybe there was a mid-production change but I had an early production V2 that worked fine with SJ mounts and I'm ordering an SV1 and I'm told SJ mounts for that as well. This is my build thread that shows SJ mounts being used and you came on here saying SJ mounts won't work. I just don't want wrong information to be spread. Best to ask the builder I guess or go with what you prefer
Maybe there was a mid-production change but I had an early production V2 that worked fine with SJ mounts and I'm ordering an SV1 and I'm told SJ mounts for that as well. This is my build thread that shows SJ mounts being used and you came on here saying SJ mounts won't work. I just don't want wrong information to be spread. Best to ask the builder I guess or go with what you prefer
Relax dude.... I am not the arguing type... Just passing that I used couch mounts and they worked fine...


Jamie FN Hickey
Palm Coast FL
I'd gladly tell you but it was all done through PM and text so I'm not sure if he wants it public info. The hull is in South Carolina now. Sundays with no ski to ride leave me in a sad and confused state of mind, I can tell you that much!
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