2024 TCJP Sortie

4 Days until the Sortie. What kind of questions do you have? What's missing?

Follow TCJetPilots on Facebook for more updates.

I just want to thank all of our sponsors. You've seen a lot of posts I hope and wanted to give them each a little spotlight. Still more to announce. We've got so many great items from all of our sponsors.

Ez-ski Hitch Haulers
Rickter RRP
Klotzlubemn Oilguy
Paul Lehr Jr LPW
Freestyle Connection
9 Mile Motorsports
PFM Industries
Showtime Freestyle
Impros Impellers
High Speed Industries
Rad Dudes Freestyle Innovations
Westside Powersports
St Boni Motor Sports
Brandon Reed SFA Tanks
Pitch Components
Lee Stone Products
XH20 Forum
Tiger Craft
Pro Rider Watercraft Magazine
RISE / MX100

I feel like I'm forgetting a couple. Maybe more in the works, but it's not too late to get in on it.

We've got an excellent 2000 Superjet (Thanke Mike Saenger) to raffle off as the grand prize. All tickets are $20 a ticket, put your ticket in the general or grand prize bucket. New guy raffle is free for first or second year attendees. Saturday 6pm following the Kiwanis BBQ dinner ($20). Bring cash to the Sortie, no venmo, paypal, CC. Just cash.

Mark Gomez is attending once again and will be there all weekend. He's such a great ambassador to the sport and has influenced more sales of jet skis and parts than just about anyone else.
Free coffee every morning, probably put it up by the bathrooms where there is electricity and a common area.

Get your reservation into the campground (by phone only). Tell them you're part of this event and get a free raffle ticket. First come first serve for camp sites, so get there early for the best choice. There is tons of space, you'll totally have a place even if you plan to just camp one night.

Each day is something a little different.
Wednesday - Many of us long timers love getting here this day. Just a chill day to jet ski, go on some long river rides, a chill campfire vibe all night. Peaceful, good friends, great conversations, perfect.
Thursday - Usually the best weather, every single time. Another day of great riding, getting a little too much sun, just another chill day. Then Mark Gomez shows up and he dials it up to 11. It gets really fun at this point.
Friday - Just an all out action packed jet ski day. No commitments, just have fun all day, more and more people are showing up. Great riding, starts to get real, lots more people. Friday night is just the best riding evening. Ride as long as you can, burn all the gas you can.
Saturday - Complete chaos, but in the best way possible. Kiwanis $5 breakfast. The music is pumping, the sound of the 100+ skis ripping around, people everywhere, everyone having the time of their lives. Take it all in, enjoy yourself, be safe. Get off the water around 5, get some dinner, buy some raffle tickets, bring your lawn chair and some drinks and we'll do the general raffle and the grand prize raffle. After that its just the best time hanging out talking about the weekend.
Sunday - Get your last rides in, but many are packed up and heading out. Help each other out, clean up everything. If you leave anything behind I'm keeping it for next years raffle.
Looking forward to it, don't hesitate to ask questions.


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Standing Tall
Staff member
Site Supporter
Thanks for posting this here Kirk,
should be an Amazing event as it always is.
All X members in attendance, I have sent a stack of X stickers to Kirk.
You should see them offered up and possible in grab bag give aways.
Hope you get the chance to grab some
Wow, we had an amazing event. If you get the chance next year for our 20th Sortie, it's going to be special.

We had even more sponsors step up:
JS Powersports
FXR Racing

A bunch of local dudes; Cory, Tony, and Travis all donate 3D printed stuff that was awesome. So much participation from so many people really made it special. We maxed out our parking lot and we'll have to come up with new ways to increase capacity. So many skis this year and so many new people. Check out TCJetPilots group on Facebook for all the details.

Thanks for everyone who attended and our amazing sponsors.

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