300/440/550 212 HP 650cc X2


Анархия - мать порядка!
i cant believe this is still going........i actually wasted my time reading like 8 or so pages and was just like WTF!?

this guy must have no friends
or just likes to read his own ridiculas engine building claims to tout him self as an internet master engine enginer/builder!

what a load of crap.
although i would love to be proven wrong get this "X2 cartel" d00d to post some pics.
Dude, you missed pretty much everything since you only read to page 8.
Keep reading, the best starts a few pages later.


Jus' keep er' pinned
Ketchikan Alaska
Dude I stayed up till 4 in the morning on a school night reading this s***. Very entertaining but this guy is a fruit. Sorry if your actually a cool guy but comm'on dude.
OMG. Next time, could someone please post a "spoiler" in the subject line that this thread goes no where. How do I get that last hour of my life back?

Plus, its been 2 months since someone posted to this thread, so I might as well be part of the problem and revive it.


So long and thanks for all the fish
OMG. Next time, could someone please post a "spoiler" in the subject line that this thread goes no where. How do I get that last hour of my life back?

Plus, its been 2 months since someone posted to this thread, so I might as well be part of the problem and revive it.

Reading this thread is a rite of passage for all new members, you just gotta do it.



Анархия - мать порядка!
I saw it and I just had to post on it. Kind of like when you see an ugly fat woman whos butt crack is showing. You don't want to look but for some disturbing reason you have to.
Please define "ugly" and "fat".
Then, please, post a picture of yourself.
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